People are earning even more ADB with referral links!

Find out how people have used their networks to earn even more with BLADE!

adbank blog
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2019


If you thought earning free crypto with BLADE was great — what about earning even more with referral codes? BLADE’s referral program is built to rewards those who share the BLADE extension with their network — paying you 10% of what they earn! So you too can share your referral link with your community and earn a ton of ADB! And no, you don’t need to be a famous Youtuber with hundreds of thousands of subscribers — with BLADE’s referral program, you keep earning 10% of what your referrals earn for life — so you keep getting paid forever!

A short video can make a lot of ADB:

Since BLADE first launched for the Chrome browser, many people have found success in earning ADB through the referral program For example, a Brazilian Youtube channel posted a few short videos featuring the BLADE browser extension and now Brazil is the top country using BLADE!

With just a couple short videos, this Youtuber was able to secure hundreds of referrals, which means they will earning 10% of what the referrals earn forever — It’s really that easy! And now, with referral links that work with both Chrome and Firefox, they’ll be earning ADB even faster!

There are dozens of other Youtubers promoting their own BLADE referrals, as well as bloggers and message board posts. With the new referral links, it couldn’t be easier to put your referral link in your profile or email signature — then sit back and watch your free crypto roll in!

New to BLADE?

Find out how the referral program works and how much you can expect to earn:

Find out how referral links work here:

Where can you use BLADE?

Lots of places! BLADE is officially available for both Chrome and Firefox browsers. In addition to those browsers, the adbank community has put together tutorials to use BLADE on many other browsers like Yandex for Android and more! Find out how to use BLADE here:

Have questions about BLADE? Check out the FAQ’s here.

Don’t forget to join the Telegram channel here to chat with the team and get all the news first!

