Boogie and Brow Thursday Debut

Mat Houchens
Add More Funds
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2017
Anthony Davis and DeMarcus Cousins All-Star Celebrity Game

If you remotely follow NBA or don’t live under a rock, you probably heard the news that DeMarcus Cousins will be joining Anthony Davis on the New Orleans Pelicans. But what does that mean for DFS?

Anyone telling you they know for certain what will happen with minutes, usage and how the game flow will be is a damn liar.

A pretty safe guess is that Brow will move back to the four where he hasn’t played too much this year but with Boogie on the court, I would imagine that’s the primary move they make with both on the court.

This is one of the most dominant big man couplings we’ve seen in modern day NBA and it’s going to be very interesting to see how it shakes out.

Currently on DraftKings, Brow holds a modest price tag of $10.2k and Boogie at $11k, which if this trade didn’t happen would make both players priced very nice. With both sharing time on the same side of the court though, the side effects remain unknown at this time.

We both know the kind of upside each player has individually and it won’t be any secret to target one of the big men if one is out later down the road as I’m suspecting this trade makes the Pelicans more dominant on the court overall. But from a DFS perspective, it’s hard to imagine both players not having much more limited ceilings on a regular basis.

I likely expect their prices to both go below $10k eventually making them great GPP plays because of the known upside and potentially cash depending on how low their salary does go down. If their price does drop and someone is a scratch for a game, the other player will become almost an immediate lock the way RWB was when KD didn’t play in previous years.

I think I’m going to be one of those that sits back and sees how things shake out for a few games first.



Mat Houchens
Add More Funds

Digital marketing professional with a passion for fantasy sports.