The One (Easy) Thing I Do to Achieve Each One of my Dreams

It worked for me and every one I know so far. Try it and let me know how it works for you :)

Embrace the Unknown
5 min readMay 16, 2016


Let me introduce you the — 6 years — younger me. I’m then 18 years old. After reading dozens of inspirational/motivational books, I decide that everything is actually achievable. Cool.

At this point, I just decide to write a bucket list. Nothing happens. I’m totally NOT able to write down anything else but “being happy”, “making money”, “traveling”. Well, only things that 90% of the 18yo guys (kind of) want.

Sometimes, we’ve spent so many years being told that we could never do everything we want in life, that when we actually realize we can, we have no idea what we would really love to do.

It took some time and a lot of perseverance to find out what was MY dreams. It took a lot of tries, a lot of failures and disillusions.

Today, I’m writing those lines from Stratford, Canada after I traveled by bicycle around Europe (15 countries, 8,000km) and USA (10 states, 3,500km) for 13 months so far. I’m meeting startup CEOs on the way with Chloe Leb to learn from them and share their vision (discover Startup Cycling here)

I’m also making one video/day besides being on the road (one of my latest challenge).

Follow me around the world day by day!


Before I tell you this simple one thing I do to achieve my dreams, those are a few words about the mindset.

I know that it can be hard to believe sometimes. But we live in a truly wonderful world.

  • We have less deadly wars today than ever before
  • More and more people have access to education
  • Internet is on the way to cover all the planet and we have access to ANY kind of information in seconds, for free.

Yeah, for sure, there is a HUGE room for improvement everywhere.

Everything is far from being perfect. But our planet and the age we’re living in is incredibly outstanding as it makes everything possible for more and more people.

I think this is something important to keep in mind as you’re thinking about what you’d really like to achieve.

- Be thankful to whatever you already have.
- Accept and forgive yourself for what you failed.
- Work hard to achieve whatever you really want to do from now.

Life can be hard at some points. We all experienced it in different fields. There are often too many things that we didn’t chose. Things that we had to suffer.

But building the right mindset by investing in yourself, opening your mind, thinking in a way of improvement, stop complaining, accepting who you are, building who you want to be… This is YOUR choice.

I have no idea what are your dreams today, but I’m pretty sure that you have great intentions, as most of human beings have! And if you want to impact the world in a positive way one day, you have to invest in yourself as much as in all the human beings.

You have to accept the world as it is today and to be confident it’s getting better year after year. Or you have to make the change you’re seeking in the world.

That’s it for the mindset. Let’s go straight to the point now.

The One Thing

This one thing is so simple that you won’t believe it’s gonna lead you anywhere. I know. I thought the same before I decide to apply it to every single one of the things I wanted to do.

Do it once. It’s free and it will take not even 10 minutes of your time. If it’s not working, at least you’ll have more clarity on what you want to achieve.

Enough teasing. Let’s practice.

Take a sheet of paper.
Take a pen.
Take your dreams.

Ready? Now. Write down on the paper: “What if I had magical power? What if I had absolutely no limit, at all? What would I truly like to do right now? During the next months/years?”

Then, answer to those questions in no more than 10minutes. Free your mind. See it as a game. You can write down everything you want. Think about what you’d like to do for the next months, the next years. Think about it with details.

Would you dream to travel? Where? In which way? For how long?
Would you dream to build a company? What kind? To solve which problem?

As this simple thing sounds SO simple that you probably can’t imagine right now how it could help you to achieve your dreams, let me give you some more insights about how it works.

As you’re writing — without any limiting thought — what you really want to do, you’re thinking about this dream deeper than ever. You’re building connections, you’re thinking about some details, you’re thinking about it as if you were actually doing it.

When you finished this exercise, you’ll have on the paper the exact WHAT you’d like to do. You just transformed a dream into a goal.

And now, it’s up to you. Take this goal as your main goal, and you’ll find it WAY easier to build a practical plan to achieve it.

Press ❤ below if you ❤ what you read, so more people can read it :)

One of the last time I used this exercise, it led me to drop out everything I had to build Startup Cycling and go on a long term journey, a dream I always kept as → unachievable until I don’t make “enough” money. I still dont have enough. But I’m living this dream day after day.

Please, if you do have a dream, do this 10 minutes exercise and let me know how this is going for you. And feel free to share it in the comments :)

Have a wonderful day,




Embrace the Unknown

I build sustainable beach villas on remote paradise islands, in Indonesia — Seen in Forbes, WIRED & Entrepreneur — |