Shattered DreamsšŸ’„A CRYPTO DISASTER Story: How METF, Terra Luna, and Dogecoin Sank My Savings! Avoid My Arkad-Like Mistake ā€” Learn the Hard Lessons!

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Addicted To Crypto
4 min readNov 19, 2023


Costly Crypto Mistake

As stated in my previous article about Crypto investing and the need of due diligence, as you know I plunged headfirst into the thrilling world of cryptocurrency, chasing the adrenaline rush of quick gains and ground-breaking projects. Little did I know, the euphoria would turn into a financial rollercoaster, with METF, Terra Luna, and Dogecoin playing starring roles in my tale of triumphs and tribulations.

Let me tell you about Arkad moment in life

METF (Mad Meerkat ETF), with its cryptic acronym, whispered promises of unimaginable returns and a golden ticket to financial paradise. The allure was magnetic, but in my quest for profit, I overlooked a fundamental truth due diligence is the currency of smart investing.

Now, let me drop some wisdom from the legendary George Clasonā€™s ā€œThe Richest Man in Babylon.ā€ Ever heard of Arkad? He trusted a brick makerā€™s advice on jewels and ended up kissing his hard-earned cash goodbye. Sound familiar? Well, I danced with a similar devil, putting blind faith in a close friend a Health Professional whilst having a couple of cold ones at the local pub, this Health Professional raved about METF without grasping its financial intricacies. Trust in this friend made me fall in head first and took a large chunk out of my savings.

The painful realization struck as METFā€™s value plummeted, leaving my financial fortress in ruins. The Health Professionalā€™s good intentions were no match for the lack of financial expertise needed to navigate the unpredictable crypto landscape. In essence, I had become Arkad, led astray by misplaced trust in the counsel of someone ill-equipped for the task at hand.

Cometh the hour Cometh the Meme Coins

But the saga didnā€™t end with METF. Enter Terra Luna, a seemingly promising venture with a focus on blockchain interoperability and stablecoin innovation. The allure of potential riches blinded me to the projectā€™s vulnerabilities and market challenges, resulting in yet another substantial loss. And then there was Dogecoin, the meme-inspired cryptocurrency riding the waves of social media frenzy. I, too, succumbed to the allure without considering its long-term viability.

Amidst the wreckage of financial missteps, I took a hiatus to reassess my crypto strategy. The first lesson carved in the stone of losses: due diligence is not a luxury; itā€™s a necessity. Scrutinizing whitepapers, understanding the technology, and evaluating the credibility of development teams have become my armour against future financial storms.

Now, for lesson two resist the siren song of well-meaning friends, especially those who wouldnā€™t know a bull market from a bull in a China shop. Seeking advice is savvy, but blind obedience without personal research is a one-way ticket to financial catastrophe.

In the aftermath, as I dusted off the debris of losses, a newfound wisdom emerged. A more cautious and informed approach replaced the reckless chase for quick profits. Diversification became a shield, with a focus on established projects boasting transparent development teams.

In the crucible of cryptocurrency investments, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, I emerged scarred but wiser. METF, Terra Luna, and Dogecoin served as costly tutors, reshaping my outlook on crypto. Like Arkad before me, I learned the hard way blind trust in ill-informed advice can lead to financial chaos. The crypto arena demands due diligence as the gatekeeper to navigating its wild landscape, preventing unsuspecting investors from the financial abyss that swallowed my hard-earned thousands (to be painfully honest over $35K).

Remember with any investing if looks to good to be true conduct a deep dive, research the product and conduct a hefty amount of due diligence because it will save you thousands and millions in the future.

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