Stop Your Social Media Addiction — Thrive in What you do Instead

Secret tips from masters to avoid becoming a dopamine screen junk forever

Lucien Lecarme


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Social media is a suicide bomber walking into the church of your dreams and blowing everything apart.

Do you still believe a social media campaign is the only way to reach your followers, get clients, and let the world know what you’re producing?

This is a lie. We all know you are the product.

Sure, people will notice what you’re doing, but will they care?

Hell no.

Most will be too occupied by stealing attention and time from other www-wanderers, pushing their narcissist ego to maximum ‘like’ warp, or just being plane dopamine addicted without being aware of it.

Here is why getting lost in instant gratification porn is a mistake and distracts you from your work and kick-ass potential. I know it’s hard, but you need to give up social media addiction to thrive in what you do.

Here is how.

Why you don't need social media to be successful

It's keeping you from being exactly that.



Lucien Lecarme

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