Jerry Stahl: The Interview

Jason Smith
Addiction Unscripted
3 min readAug 28, 2015


A Real Edition Exclusive.

by Jason Smith

Sitting outside of Fred’s 62 Diner in East Hollywood, I watch Jerry Stahl drive up — black Cadillac, black pants, black T-shirt, Johnny Cash had Johnny Cash shot dope while screenwriting for ALF and Moonlighting in the early 80s- when I’m struck with the realization that I’m about to do an interview and I have no idea what I’m doing.

I first read Stahl’s memoir, Permanent Midnight, back in 2007 while strung out on Fentanyl and Xanax, and I remember thinking: “Fuck. If this guy can get it, maybe there’s hope for me.” Fast forward eight years, and here I am, on a promotional tour for my own memoir, and we’re about to sit down to chat. It seems a bit surreal. I’d reached out to Jerry to ask him if he’d be interested in doing an interview, assuming he’d politely decline and I’d be able to say that I gave it a shot.

He accepted. So here I was, with absolutely no clue as to how to conduct an interview.

We walk the length of the diner, wrap around the back, and find a seat next to a lady, mid-80s-ish, eating runny eggs on wheat toast, all alone. It made me wonder what she did in her younger years that lead to her eating breakfast by herself on a Wednesday morning.

“Hey man,” I said, “I really appreciate you taking the time. I know you’re busy.”

“No, man, come on. It’s the least I can do. I know what it’s like, starting out. Shit, I should probably be out pimping my book too.”

The book he’s referring to is OG Dad, a collection of essays originally published online at, short stories that came about when the recovering drug-addict/Hep-C survivor/writer found out he was going to be a father for the second time. The first time, as detailed in Permanent Midnight, things didn’t go so well. OG Dad is the story of his second go-round.

Sitting down, Stahl describes his experience with Hubert Selby, author of Last Exit to Brooklyn and Requiem for a Dream, who shared his own experiences with Stahl while he was starting out. I get the impression that Stahl’s meeting me today is a sort of “pay it forward” act, which I’m totally cool with.

“So, I’m going to be totally up- front with you — I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing,” I confessed. “I’ve never done an interview before.”

Cool, calm, collected, he chuckles, which makes me feel a little better.

“Let’s just chat, man. Ask me whatever you want.”



Jason Smith
Addiction Unscripted

Writing has taught me to bounce back and forth between crippling insecurities and bouts of narcissism.