When Prescription Drug Combinations are Lethal — Famous People Who Overdosed on Legal Drugs

When heroin took out Janis Joplin, no one was really surprised. A long-time substance abuser, Janis altered her will two days before her death. She ordered that $2,500 of her estate would fund a party, so, in her own words “my friends can get blasted when I’m gone.” However, Janis did not really plan on dying that night. The amount of heroin she ingested should not have killed her — it was an exceptionally pure dose that literally knocked her off of her feet and killed her instantly.

Before and since, many celebrities have died of overdoses. But surprisingly, many of them died by prescription use or abuse, and not illegal drugs like heroin or cocaine. Some were unexpected. Others showed signs that worried friends. In any case, here’s a list of just a few famous people who overdosed completely by mistake — or moreover, were likely unaware of the risks involved with the prescription drug cocktails they had taken.

Elvis Presley (d. August, 1977)

Elvis Presley was a musician and actor who needs little introduction. Of the many celebrities who died of prescription drug use, he is among the most famous. Although he was depressed and in a downward spiral of drug use in the weeks preceding his death, there was no indication that he was suicidal or thought he might die from an overdose. Later, it was found that Elvis’ physician had prescribed him nearly 9,000 pills and injectables in the months prior. The drugs consisted of uppers, downers, and a myriad of opiate painkillers such as Demerol and Dilaudid. Although the official report stated that he died of cardiac arrhythmia and the autopsy was sealed, it is all but certain that the 42-year-old’s heart gave out due to an overdose of the very drugs his physician was prescribing.

Anna Nicole Smith (d. February, 2007) and Daniel Smith (d. September, 2006)

Anna Nicole Smith was an actress and model who had suffered on and off for years with substance abuse. On September 7, she was in the hospital giving birth to a baby girl. Three days later, in the same hospital room, her 20-year-old Daniel died of an apparent drug overdose. Upon inquiry, it was discovered that he suffered from an interaction between Methadone, Zoloft, and Lexapro. The Methadone, however, was not among his prescriptions, and it was believed that he might have taken it from his mother. Some have argued that it was such a large quantity of Methadone, it must have been intentional. Most disagree, and his death is officially considered to be accidental. Five months later, Anna Nicole died in a similar manner. On February 8, 2008, Anna was found dead. It was later revealed she died from a combination of sedatives, including four benzodiazapines. Although she was still mourning her son, like Daniel five months before, her death was ruled accidental.

Ingesting high doses or mixing prescription drugs, particularly sedatives, anti-anxiety medication, and painkillers is extremely dangerous. For more celebrities who died due to prescription drug overdoses, see When Prescription Drug Combinations are Lethal — Famous People Who Overdosed on Legal Drugs, Con’t.



G. Nathalee Serrels, M.A., Psychology
Addiction Unscripted

I am a freelance writer currently writing articles for two addiction recovery websites.