ADD.XYZ’s Weekly Update 32 — Finishing Touches — Mobile Application, Dune Analytics and Bridges.
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2021

Here’s’s weekly web, platform, design and development update. is your upcoming truly private DeFi Aggregator where you will be getting all your DeFi services on a single platform. We’re going to continue bringing regular development updates for you to move along with us in your DeFi Journey. We wish to keep our community constantly updated with each and every progress is moving with a focused target of becoming one of the best privacy-preserving DeFi Aggregation Platforms.

These updates are designed to be summarised for quick view by our community. You can see below our weekly development updates as our developers work hard to turn creative ideas into features and functionality for

Here are all the activities which we have done in the last week. Go through them from start to end. Last week was a major development week for ADD with several features and components converging to be completed and QA checked within the same week. The Mobile Application team is developing leaps and bounds as we near closer to Application launch on Google.

Details of Changes

  • We’ve implemented balance breakdowns to be displayed on mobile application per protocol instead of a total sum balance being displayed, this allows users to visit the mobile application weeks or months after and to accurately inform them of where their balances are placed.
  • Most mobile applications on the market force users to create a wallet and go through the rituals of creating and protecting their seed phrase. We find this very restrictive as users may not be in the right environment/situation to create a wallet, meaning that they are essentially blocked from experiencing the mobile application. Recording and protecting your seed phrase is important, you may not want to do this on the move or at a conference. So, we’ve enabled users to completely bypass wallet creation so that they can view exciting features on the application such as Privacy Mixing, Lending or Unannounced features.
  • Dynamic Font Scaling has been implemented, allowing users to see inputs responsively which is more pleasing visually for users.
  • We’re 99% complete with our Fiat Payment Gateway integration with Sendwyre, we’re waiting to switch our accounts from testing to live and we are coordinating with the Sendwyre team to finish reviewing the product flow.
  • Gitbook Revamp; We’re updating all of our user guides ahead of the mobile application launch with graphically designed visual cues and instructions per product for users. Users will be walked through how to use products for the first time if they are unfamiliar.
  • The long anticipated Dune Analytics Dashboard has been revamped and almost complete pending lending statistics automatic updating integration. Users can track Uniswap $ADD trades and volume over time, Privacy Deposits per token, Staking stats and much more.

Mobile Application — Closed Beta on Google Play

Stay Tuned for upcoming tutorials, interviews and walkthrough guides on the latest features held within the App, opening new possibilities for DeFi and PriFi on the move and at the tips of your fingers.

For any questions please feel free to reach out to us on:





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