ADD.XYZ’s Weekly Update 34 & 35 — Token Bridges and Final Touches on ADD Mobile
Published in
3 min readDec 2, 2021

Here’s’s weekly web, platform, design and development update. is your upcoming truly private DeFi Aggregator where you will be getting all your DeFi services on a single platform. We’re going to continue bringing regular development updates for you to move along with us in your DeFi Journey. We wish to keep our community constantly updated with each and every progress is moving with a focused target of becoming one of the best privacy-preserving DeFi Aggregation Platforms.

These updates are designed to be summarised for quick view by our community. You can see below our weekly development updates as our developers work hard to turn creative ideas into features and functionality for

Here are all the activities which we have done in the last week. Go through them from start to end. Last week was a major development week for ADD with several features and components converging to be completed and QA checked within the same week. The Mobile Application team is developing leaps and bounds as we get closer to Application launch on Google.

Weekly Development Update #34

Details of Updates

  • We’ve started development and testing of a brand new navigation across the entire web platform, this will allow us to expand into multiple different DeFi products in the future without struggling for screen space on the current web platform. For a sneak preview you can view it here:
  • Our Token Bridge has deployed to mainnet and has finished testing. Stay tuned for the official announcement.
  • We’re putting the finishing touches on our mobile application.
  • ADD’s revolutionary mobile application is only moments away from the first launch. We‘re in the process of QA testing final changes to make sure it’s stable for you and your family.

Details of Updates

  • We’re mid way into a BSC wallet and chain integration into the ADD mobile application. This exciting new feature will enable you to add your favourite BSC tokens, meme coins and NFT’s
  • We’re putting the finishing touches on our mobile application.
  • ADD’s revolutionary mobile application is only moments away from the first launch. We‘re in the process of QA testing final changes to make sure it’s stable for you and your family.

Mobile Application — Closed Beta on Google Play

Stay Tuned for upcoming tutorials, interviews and walkthrough guides on the latest features held within the App, opening new possibilities for DeFi and PriFi on the move and at the tips of your fingers.

For any questions please feel free to reach out to us on:





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