ADD’s New Look Confirms Commitment to Privacy and DeFi Aggregation
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4 min readMay 6, 2021

Privacy, Security, and Aggregation have been in the heart of and these are the three principles we will always stand for. The expansion of DeFi in the last 2 years makes us more affirmed and devoted to these three principles for all our customers. In response to accelerated company growth, a rejuvenation to our corporate vision, and commitment to bringing better privacy-focussed DeFi aggregation services to you, we are undergoing a small change in our look.


ADD — Your Truly Private DeFi Aggregator

As we are getting closer to the launch of products and services from our ADD suite, this was the much-awaited change that our organization needed to establish itself as a leading DeFi Aggregator which is extremely concerned about its customers’ privacy.

ADD — DeFining the Name

ADD means addition, i.e. to join or aggregate to increase the size, amount, or make it more important. Our organization’s name itself is an epitome of our proprietary aggregation-based model where we aim to bring a complete stack of DeFi based products and services under the same roof. Not only this, all the products will also follow an aggregation-based development for you to get the best possible opportunities to grow your DeFi portfolio. While you continue to add trust in us with growing your DeFi yields. our team will incessantly stay committed to

  • ADD Value to your Finances
  • ADD Privacy to your Activity
  • ADD Profits to your DeFi Portfolio
  • ADD Security to your Crypto Wallets
  • ADD Ease to your DeFi Journey

ADD — DeFining the Logo

Our new logo comprises many triangles adding together to construct ‘A’. This ‘A’ stands tall for ADD and Aggregation. The first letter of all alphabets represents the A1 quality of our products which will maximize your gains in DeFi investments.

There is a small representation of Ethereum’s logo on top which represents the blockchain our token is running on. A major part of DeFi is still running on Ethereum and our aggregating infrastructure plans to bring this DeFi together on a single platform. This is what the right and left half of our logo represent.

The triangles represent the three principles mentioned at the start — Privacy, Security, and Aggregation. Multiple triangles also mean that all our products, tools, and services will adhere to these 3 principles at every point in time.

ADD — DeFining the Colors

There are two primary colors used in our logo — Black and Blue. Black is the total absorption of all colors. When all colors are mixed, the result is black. We don’t need to tell more why we have chosen black here. The same reason — aggregation. Black is the color of space and vastness. It clearly symbolizes the vast DeFi space we aim to cover with our products.

Black is also a symbol of power and security. It is already one of our principles and other qualities including sophistication and elegance add more to the reasons why Black is without a doubt, the main color of Add.

Blue is the color of finance, loyalty, and dependability. We understand from the day you will signup on our platform or connect your wallet, you have put an essential part of your trust in us. It is our responsibility to take special care of this trust and help you maximize your returns on your DeFi investments.

Blue is also the color of sky and the ocean, the color of calmness and serenity. Blue has always been the color of stability and reliability. With our services, we will manifest your calmness and reliability in us when you will deposit your tokens on our platforms and your investments will continue to grow even while you are sleeping.

ADD is on the verge of becoming a complete financial ecosystem that aggregates the best solutions to make DeFi accessible for everyone. From this point, we accelerate our efforts towards building simple user flows in a complicated DeFi landscape. In ADD, we will develop a gateway to decentralized finance where users have full ownership, choice of privacy, and complete control of their funds.

To view our full roadmap for 2021 and see how far ahead of progress the development team is, simply view our airtable link here

To view the weekly development report #06, simply click here

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