End of Year Update — 2019
Published in
5 min readJan 6, 2020

Happy Holidays! What a year! From the incredible growth of the DeFi ecosystem to our new branding and direction, this year has been full of progress and excitement.

In December, the Plutus team made great progress on our private lending solution and announced a partnership/integration with Fortmatic, a leading authentication solution for Ethereum dApps.

Read our final update of 2019 for details on our progress and to learn more about our plans for the coming year.

Private Testing on Plutus DeFi Lending is now live!

The Plutus team has been hard at work building out the components of our private Lend and Earn product and we anticipate it being available for beta testing in the coming weeks.

The philosophy behind Plutus DeFi has been to solve the issues with gaining mass adoption in the crypto and blockchain space. We believe that superlative, educational UI/UX designs will enable the next generation of crypto users to onboard into the space easier.

With a team boasting over 100 years of combined experience in product management, we are happy to reveal some of the product flows behind the first DeFi product we have created.

Accessing multiple protocols from a single platform has never been this simple.

Fellow DeFi advocates and enablers in crypto such as Dharma, Coinbase, and other aggregators maintain control over your funds, posing risks associated with centralized custody.

While this can dissolve some friction in the process of lending your crypto assets, it also skips an important and crucial step in the fundamental understanding of the different risks within decentralized financial protocols.

Depositing DAI across multiple DeFi protocols has never been this simple. Maintain in control over the protocols you want to access.

We have listened to our users in private testing and understand the remaining points of friction within other products, and even on native DeFi protocol platforms.

That’s why we are also developing easy and understandable analytics on the interest earned, historical APR and other financial information on a single dashboard.

In addition to our efforts to creating user-friendly DeFi products, our next phase of development involves the integration of privacy protocols to allow users to securely and privately lend and borrow crypto assets.

Interested in beta testing our privacy-enabled lending solution? Sign up for early access on our website.


Don’t forget, you can always keep up with our progress by viewing our Roadmap.

December Updates

Plutus DeFi Partners with Formatic

Developing user-friendly experiences remains a challenge for those building decentralized and Web3 applications, which is why we’re particularly excited about our partnership with Fortmatic!

Fortmatic streamlines the authentication process by enabling dApp users to log into Ethereum applications using an email or phone number. No more seed phrases or browser extensions! This isn’t just a partnership, this is an integration!

By integrating Fortmatic’s authentication solution into our highly-anticipated, privacy-enabled lending solution, onboarding users will be as easy as signing up for an email account.

We would like to thank the Fortmatic team for their support with the integration and please read our article on the partnership for more details.

Technical Update #2

(From the Tech Team at Plutus )

Hey DeFi’ers,

The Plutus team has been hard at work building out the components of our Lend and Earn product, getting feedback from beta testers, and producing educational content to help familiarize people with decentralized financial (DeFi) products.

Here’s what we’ve accomplished on the technical end at the end of 2019!

Smart Contracts

  • The dYdX and Compound protocols and it’s integration with Plutus.js have been completed.
  • Plutus fees module integration with the dYdX and Compound smart contracts have been completed.


  • Monorepo set up to handle multiple servers completed.
  • Separated out workspaces to disable hoisting for modules to ensure modularity completed.
  • Signing user authentication with either Metamask or Fortmatic wallet address has been completed.
  • GraphQL subscription for listening DAI deposit in a counterfactual based smart wallet address completed.
  • Metamask based Ownership to deployed smart contract and Withdrawal of funds process completed.
  • Auto synching Blockchain transactions with Plutus database — work in progress
  • analytics and event tracking integration — work in progress


  • Skeleton of the front-end is completed.
  • Backend and front-end integration fully completed.
  • Final touch up on front-end UI and flow — work in progress

User features update

  • Supported depositing to both DyDx and Compound protocol from the same wallet address and switching between protocol made easy.
  • Users will be able to decide GAS price and sign the wallet creation and deposit transactions on the platform giving complete freedom to public investing on their selected protocol completely decentralised manner.
  • Users are able to top-up additional investments anytime to same wallet address.
  • Users are able to withdraw partial or full amount from any protocol they deposited in.
  • Test system end-to-end including all corner edge-cases — work in progress.

DeFi 2020

Looking forward to 2020, we expect the DeFi community to fully embrace privacy as a critical element in the development of a truly decentralized ecosystem.

Growing demonstrations against governments and increasing regulations on social networks show that people not only recognize their privacy has been eroded, they care and they’re willing to do something about it.

The time for user-centric, privacy-preserving software has arrived. We’re excited to be a part of this revolution and grateful for everyone who’s helped us out. Let’s build a better future together!

Want to Connect with Plutus DeFi?

Well now you have the chance to meet the Plutus DeFi team in person!

Towards the end of January we will be hosting a meet-up in London, alongside fellow builders at AZTEC Protocol and Nexus Mutual also based in London, join the Meetup to hear about how Privacy, Insurance and DeFi are combining to form the next generation of decentralized financial tools.

Stay tuned for further information.

Your support means everything to us!

You can always keep up with our progress on our Roadmap and please follow us on Twitter or join the conversation on Telegram to stay in touch.

Want some privacy in your DeFi solution? Sign up for Early Access to beta test our anonymous lending application. 😀

