Senior UI/UX Product Designer Victor Amusan as ADD expands it’s ranks
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2021
Victor Amusan in Focus

ADD is pleased to announce the arrival of our new team member, Victor Amusan, who has joined to lead product design efforts at ADD.

Victor’s introduction to the Team brings in a new level of experience, creativity & organisation to ADD’s Product Suite that is currently in development. His previous experience within Health and Fintech companies in Nigeria provides a much needed edge to our DeFi Mobile Money dApp, Liquidity Staking, Aggregated Governance & our widely anticipated Mobile App Launch on Android & iOS to be launched in 2021.

Foreword from Victor Amusan,

My name is Victor Amusan. I was born in Nigeria and I have a major in Computer Science from Federal University of Technology, Akure. From a young age, I knew design was my passion and I’ve worked with Businesses and Startups to help build a better experience for both customers and stakeholders.

I started my career in Design as the Co- founder/Product owner at Memmour in 2016. My role revolved around conducting user research, deciding whether or not the team’s idea’s were viable and designing the interfaces for the Product.

I was a User Experience designer at Remita, a Fintech Company that processes Over 2 Billion Naira of Government Transactions where I helped in building the new Experience for Payments. At Remita, I designed other products such as FundACause, Paylink, HumanManager.

I was also the product designer for HealthTracka, a start-up that makes lab testing accessible and convenient with at-home collection and digital results in 1–3 days in Nigeria. I designed the end-to-end flow of the website and application carefully conducting user research and identifying user’s pain points to come up with an easy to use application.

I am licensed by International Design Foundation in UX Management: Strategy and Tactics and Human Computer Interaction (HCI).

For me, the goal is to Build for human needs, one experience at a time, and without doubt, I’m right on it.

When I’m not designing a product or ensuring that every moment of a User with a product counts, I am either swimming, playing video games, going on a road trip or writing about relationships. Hopefully, I get to write about my relationship with Arsenal Football Club in a grand style, someday.

ADD encourages the wider community to welcome Victor Amusan as he works towards taking mainstream.

