Adel Updates ▲ 2018.December.18

Adel Ecosystem Ltd.
Adel blog
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2018

Happy Holidays ▲ Adel Community
On behalf of all the team at Adel we would like to wish everybody Happy Holidays! 2018 has been a mixed bag of emotions for the cryptocurrency market & blockchain in general but we promise to keep working hard for the upcoming new year. A massive thank you to everyone supporting us, enjoy the holidays!

AdelPoint ▲ File Sharing
AdelPoint is the ambitious project from the Adel team, backed by its community. This project has the potential to fuel multiple decentralized and blockchain based services while offering a file sharing system powered by blockchain technology. This service will be architected for mass adoption and there is no need for technical knowledge or token ownership to use it. Read more about this fascinating project, by registering on the Adel portal and becoming a Founder!

Adel Portal ▲ Google Play
The Adel Portal mobile app is now available on the Google Play Store! Please support our community by downloading and giving us a 5/5 in Google Play with a nice review if you think we deserve it 🙂
Download link here:

Adel Portal ▲ v2.1 Released
The latest version of the Adel Portal (v2.1) showcases a plethora of new features. Here are our some of our favourites: 
- Private projects can be created with exclusive Founder invitation
- New ideas are hidden until reviewed by Adel and discussion with Innovator
- Incubation summary sorting by featured, likes, or alphabetical
- Admin can create new chat rooms
- Max file limit in documents upload is now 5MB (from 2MB)
- Faster chat loading and responsiveness
- Chat improvements (Edit/delete message), emoticons, unread, count badge
- P2 and I2 documents content editing improvements and stability
- On mobile device, top menu bar stays on the screen while scrolling
- Review idea buttons/feature
- ADL market value history chart

2019 Predictions ▲ Smart Contracts & Insurance
An article written by Adel’s Gabriel Dusil has been published on CIR magazine. Read this short piece about smart contracts taking off in the insurance sector. Gabriel discusses some of the opportunities this technology has within the insurance industry, read the full article here:

Adel ▲ Telegram
Let’s have a chat! Join our Adel Telegram room to stay informed on all the latest news!
Broadcast Adel’s Telegram link to your friends and colleagues:



Adel Ecosystem Ltd.
Adel blog

Adel is a first-of-its kind blockchain startup incubator, global cryptocurrency community, self-sustaining, own economic ecosystem. Adelphoi $ADL cryptocurrency