5 Characteristics of a Sagittarius

Adele Walsh
Adele Walsh Blog
Published in
7 min readNov 22, 2017

I’m super excited to continue our discussion about the characteristics of the Zodiac signs! This month we take a look at the personality and interests of a Sagittarius. I will give insight into their perfect love match, favorite colors, and ideal food choices.

I love crystals and I’ve included the benefits of the best crystals for our Sagittarius friends.

Please make sure to download your copy of Zodiac Crystals for every sign as an easy reference.


You can check out the last installments of the Characteristics of the Zodiac Virgo here, Libra here, and Scorpio here.

Everything seems more at ease when you understand your birth traits and those of the people closest to you. Shopping for birthdays is also easier when you understand each other.

We all have a special Sagittarius in our lives. Why not get a unique gift for their birthday this year. Here are a few Zodiac-themed gift ideas for the Sagittarius on your list.

Items like this beautiful Zodiac Journal or Zodiac Trinket Dishes from Anthropologie make great gifts for your Sagittarius friends.

Zodiac Trinket Dish, Anthropologie, Virgo Gift Ideas

Zodiac Trinket Dish from Anthropologie

Zodiac Journal, Anthropologie, Virgo Gift Ideas

Zodiac Journal from Anthropologie

I love the vegan leather of the Zodiac Journal and the handcrafted designs of the Zodiac trinket dishes.

Let’s check out more insights about the Sagittarius among us.

5 Characteristics of a Sagittarius, Zodiac, Astrology

Sagittarius and the Zodiac — November 22 to December 21.

Today begins the Sagittarius season! It’s a beautiful time to be a Sagittarius! Let’s celebrate what makes you special!

A Sagittarius’s Personality

Sagittarius Personality, Zodiac, Laughter

Sagittarius, the most curious and adventurous of the Zodiac signs, have a great sense of humor. They are generous, idealistic and have a very open mind. This broad-minded perspective can drive them to wander the world in search of the meaning of life. Unfortunately, this sense of wonderment and bigger than life dreams can cause them break promises due to wandering interest. A Sagitarrius’s independence, restlessness, and lack of patience results in them never wanting to be told how to live.

You will find a Sagittarius is one of the happiest and generous signs of the Zodiac. They are fun, born to love, and they seem to be always surrounded by friends. This sign is very candid, honest and straightforward. This optimism can cause them to take risks where others would flee.

A Sagittarius will avoid drama at all costs. This choice allows them to focus on what’s really important in their lives. In other words, a Sagittarius is allergic to bullshit. They are hard to fool and are always ten steps ahead of you. Take note, they love to prove people wrong. This sign does not like selfish people or sore losers. Although they do not hold grudges and are great at letting go of the past, they can be ruthless when wronged. Don’t ever cross a Sagittarius!

A Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarius in Love, Zodiac Characteristics

Sagittarius signs are spontaneous and just fun to be around. Even with their zeal and extreme curiosity for life, they try to always be there when their loved ones need them most.

A Sagittarius always wants to keep growing and can be at times overachievers. They are attracted to successful people because they want to grow and learn new things. This ambition makes them slow to commit to others. Their big dreams, adventurous pursuits and a never-ending search for freedom can at times make them hard to pin down.

If you are planning to romance a Sagittarius, make sure to include adventure in your plans as they always like to experience new things.

Sagittarius signs are very careful with who they give their hearts, it takes them time to commit. They are also known to distance themselves when hurt and it can cause them to conceal their emotions.

The top 5 signs compatible with a Sagittarius are Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Libra, and Cancer.

What Interests a Sagittarius?

Sagittarius Interests, Zodiac, Travel

As the biggest travelers of all Zodiac signs, a Sagittarius will journey through life in search of meaning. They can’t stay in one place too long and love to explore.

Being extremely creative and curious allows them to be great photographers, artists, researchers and even travel agents.

This sign is interested in the meaning of everything and is drawn to religion and philosophy to find answers. You can find them reading, writing about their adventures or collecting souvenirs from their travels. They are always willing to try new food and ideas.

Sagittarius, and Their Colours

Sagittarius Colours, Zodiac Characteristics

The colors most associated with a Sagittarius are rich colors like deep blue. Alternatively, you will find them leaning towards, purples, reds, and violets because a Sagittarius can be moody at times and these colors, are calming and relaxing.

The color purple is lucky to a Sagittarius. Orange and yellow are great colors for this sign because a Sagittarius can be restless and these bright colors promote stability and love. Black can also be a good color for a Sagittarius because it is associated with taking risks.

Sagittarius and Food

Green Vegetables, Sagittarius Food, Zodiac Characteristics

The liver is a problem area for the Sagittarius sign. Because of this, they should avoid alcohol. Silica is important for the liver, therefore, a Sagittarius should eat foods high in this mineral. Examples include fruits, raw salads, green peppers and other green vegetables.

A Sagittarius should have a diet high in protein, for example, broiled chicken and fish, and vegetables like beets and tomatoes.

To maintain a healthy liver, a Sagittarius should drink lots of water.

5 Characteristics of a Sagittarius, Zodiac, Astrology

If you know a Sagittarius, or you are one yourself, get out this month and have a great time! Happy Birthday, Sagittarius!

The traits above are great to keep in mind when you’re out with your Sagittarius friends.

Did you know Crystals also correspond to our Zodiac signs? If you want to attract positive vibes, you should keep your Zodiac Crystals with you at all times. Birthstones are a major source of energy and bring positivity to your life.

Zodiac Crystals for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Crystals, Bronzite, Citrine, Black Onyx, Quartz Crystal

Energy Muse Sagittarius Zodiac Bag

Sagittarius Crystals — Bronzite

Bronzite is the “power stone” for all Sagittarius. This crystal will bring luck and good fortune. If you ever feel powerless, overwhelmed or are lacking self-confidence, Bronzite can certainly help you to feel more grounded.

When planning for the future this crystal can alleviate any feelings of doubt and will help you make more effective decisions.

While a Sagittarius sometimes be aggressive in their pursuit of risks, they can also be restless and impatient. Overall, Bronzite will help them take responsibility for their actions while ensuring they follow through with their plans.

Sagittarius Crystals — Citrine

Citrine is a gem of manifestation. It carries the light of the sun and will always bring happiness to your day. Use Citrine to attract wealth and abundance into your life. There are more benefits of Citrine listed here in How to Balance your Chakras Part 3 — The Solar Plexus.

Sagittarius Crystals — Black Onyx

Black Onyx will calm your fears and can also alleviate depression. This crystal will help shield you from negative energies and help you release any negativity pent up inside.

This stone will help you realize, confront and eliminate any bad habits you have. Additionally, this crystal is also great to reduce stress and will make you feel secure, safe and stable in your emotions.

Sagittarius Crystals — Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most widely know crystal in the world. There is a common factor which connects humans and quartz; we both contain silicon dioxide. This compound attracts energy and can fuel communication. Quartz brings clarity to the mind and helps you to focus on your dreams and goals.

Program this crystal with your intention and by doing so it constantly puts it out into the universe, even when you are not thinking about it. This ensures your dreams can come true. You can find more benefits of Clear Quartz listed here in How to Balance your Chakras Part 7 — The Crown

You can find all these crystals here in the Energy Muse Sagittarius Zodiac Bag. It contains 1 Bronzite stone, 1 Citrine stone, 1 Black Onyx stone and 2 Quartz Crystal stones.

Affirmation: I am connected to the energy of my birthstones. They will bring me many blessings.

Here’s another chance to download your copy of Zodiac Crystals and learn which are best for each Zodiac.


Check out Sagittarius inspired jewelry like the bracelet below here at Energy Muse.

Pure Energy Bracelet Set, Energy Muse, Virgo Inspired Crystal Jewelry

Energy Muse Pure Energy Bracelet Set

I hope you enjoyed this installment of our Zodiac series. Be sure to check it out next month when we will discuss Capricorn!


5 Characteristics of a Sagittarius, Zodiac, Astrology

Originally published at .



Adele Walsh
Adele Walsh Blog

Owner & Editor of the Adele Walsh Blog Publication | Writer for the Publication Age of Awareness | Crystals | Crystal Decor & Jewelry| Music & Rock Star Style