Animated Bottom Navigation Bar Using Kotlin

Pasindu Laksara
Adelmo Technology
Published in
Apr 1, 2021

Let’s create animated bottom navigation bar with library called “AnimatedBottomBar”

(1). First add the dependency to the build.gradle

implementation 'nl.joery.animatedbottombar:library:1.0.9'
add dependency here

(2). Add bottom navigation bar to the main activity

(3) Create menu in res folder

click res folder and choose Android Resource Directory

Click res folder

In the Resource Directory choose menu and name it as tabs(whatever you want) then ok

choose menu

(4). Insert some vector assets

Select some assets
I selected four icons

(5). tabs. xml

In here id represent the fragment. You can change the icon and title.😊

(6). Create Fragments

In my case I create four fragments.

Follow this step to create fragments

Remember to create Blank Fragments and provide meaningful names. 😊

(7). Remove unnecessary codes in the fragments

Keep the fragments like this

(8). Main Activity 😍 last part

⭐⭐⭐⭐Please refer the dependency post on Github

(9). Result

