AdEx Tutorial: How to Register an Account

This is a quick tutorial on how to set up your AdEx account as an advertiser or a publisher

Ivan Manchev
4 min readFeb 22, 2019

In this series of short tips we will walk you through the AdEx platform to make sure you have all the information needed to take full advantage of it.

Are you ready? Let’s register an account and see what we’ve got.

Step 1: Go to Choose “Advertise” for an Advertiser account, or “Monetize” if you’re a publisher. You can switch between them all the time, so don’t worry.

Alternatively, you can go straight to

Step 2: You can sign up for and use the AdEx platform via Metamask, TREZOR or Ledger.

Your crypto wallet will be your identifier on the AdEx platform. When signing up, it is recommended to use a wallet with ADX tokens in it, or you can buy some later on the dashboard. Currently the AdEx platform supports Metamask, TREZOR and Ledger wallets.

For Metamask users:

Make sure you have the Metamask extension added to your browser and log in with your Metamask password.

— Wait, wait, wait…what is Metamask?!?!

— Relax, honey, it’s the best way to connect to the Ethereum network and use dapps. You’ll need it to access the AdEx platform too, so better check out this tutorial on installing and using Metamask, but make sure to get back here when you’re ready, cat videos on Youtube can wait.

Hit the “Connect with Metamask” button. If you’re not logged on Metamask you’ll bump into an error and you’ll have to log in first. If however, everything is okay, the button will turn into a red “Authenticate Metamask” button.

Authorize the access. To do so, click on the “Authenticate Address” button.

You will be able to see your address and your ETH and ADX availability for the given address.

Sign for the login in the pop-up window that appears and close the pop-up.

For TREZOR users:

TREZOR is a single purpose device which allows you to make secure Ethereum, Bitcoin and other crypto currencies transactions.

Choose TREZOR on the header menu and hit “Connect with TREZOR”.

To authenticate your TREZOR Wallet , you need to install TREZOR Bridge (recommended). Alternatively, you can use the TREZOR extension for Chrome.

For Ledger users:

Ledger is a Bitcoin, Ethereum and Altcoins hardware wallet, based on robust safety features for storing cryptographic assets and securing digital payments.

To sign up with Ledger, choose Ledger on the header menu and hit “Connect with Ledger”.

To authenticate your Ledger , connect it and select the Ethereum app. Make sure you enable the “Browser support” and “Contract data” functionalities from the settings (currently only Chrome browser is supported).

Step 3: Your account is now set up and you can proceed to the AdEx platform. Select “Publisher” or “Advertiser” (you can later switch between the two options with a single slider).

Choose your own adventure

What are you doing next?

Create publisher channels and monetize your traffic-rich blog about waffle reviews? Click here.

Create advertising campaign for your ginger late flavoured beer brand and conquer the world? Click here.



Ivan Manchev

I guess I know few things about marketing, strategy and creativity. Running, running 42k, doing BJJ, trying to be nice to people. Thank you.