PWM — Your eyes at risk

Ajay Dattatray
3 min readJun 28, 2021


PWM is almost on every electrical device but let’s now talk about the display on our daily gadgets and how they work and how these PWM display will affect your health lets know this now.

Before knowing the PWM lets see the digital signals. As we all know there can be1 or 0 which means on or off .

PWM (Pulse width Modulation) is a technique that gives an option to have control over the machine to match our actual necessity by turning it on and off at a very high frequency so that the machine will be matched to our requirements.

Considering your phone display has no option to control the brightness of the screen so when you unlock the screen the phone is set to full brightness even in dark how irritating it is if we cannot control the screen brightness. So, the companies use the PWM technique to control the brightness of the screen of your phone. It turns off and on the display at very high frequency

For example if we need 50 % brightness the light will be on for half time and off for half time it happens with very high frequency which may not be perceived by our eyes. But as you reduce the brightness the screen to very low then the problem starts

PWM working

The Health problems from PWM:

When the brightness is low there will low frequency (low PWM) so the screen flickers

The PWM do not affect everyone but for them who are sensitive to flickering. The flickering may not be visible, but due to the flickering of screen the pupil of our eye will expand and contract. Due to this we get headaches, eye strain, migraine etc.


How can this be solved?

However this problem cannot be completely but can be reduced . Some manufacturers are using DC dimming to reduce flickering. DC dimming-a way by which the panel backlight is dimmed by adjusting DC current drawn by the display. But DC dimming also have some cons. The colour accuracy will be reduced and some colours may also disappear. Some manufacturers also implement analog signals partially with digital signals to reduce brightness

DC dimming

As of now the only way to protect our eyes is by not using our phone in low brightness especially in dark environment

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Also some claps😁

