ADHD & Your Wallet: Navigating Finances with Flair and Strategy

Neurodivergent Out Loud
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Over the last quarter-century, as an ADHD & ND (neurodivergence) coach working with more than 1500 clients, I’ve seen the spectrum of challenges and triumphs that come with Neurodivergence, especially concerning finances. If there’s one analogy that perfectly captures the essence of managing money with ND, it’s like trying to keep a slippery bar of soap in your grasp — it’s unpredictable and often escapes just when you think you’ve got a solid hold.

The spontaneity and impulsivity that make ADHD lives vibrant also tend to complicate financial management, making the journey toward financial stability feel like an uphill battle. However, amidst these challenges, I’ve also witnessed incredible success stories. These victories have inspired me to compile and share effective strategies to help you navigate your finances more smoothly.

Deep Dive into the “Sleep On It” Rule

The first strategy I recommend is what I like to call the ‘Sleep On It’ Rule. It’s a simple yet powerful tool. Feel a sudden urge to splurge on the latest gadget or a trendy piece of furniture? Instead of acting on that impulse, take a pause and give yourself a cooling-off period. Whether it’s 24 hours, 48 hours, or even a week, this waiting period allows the initial excitement to fade, making room for more rational thought. This method helps transform a spontaneous ‘must-have’ impulse into a thoughtful ‘maybe later,’ preserving your budget and aligning your spending with your true priorities. It’s about empowering your future self to have a say in the decisions of today, fostering a sense of financial responsibility and foresight.

Exploring “Set It and Forget It”

The second tip revolves around leveraging technology to automate your financial obligations and savings — a method I’ve fondly termed “Set It and Forget It.” Remembering due dates for bills and committing to a savings plan can be tedious, especially for those who are always on the next exciting project or idea. By setting up automatic bill payments and direct deposits into savings accounts, you can ensure that your financial essentials are handled without constant vigilance. This strategy not only safeguards you from late fees and penalties but also steadily builds your savings, all while freeing your mind for the more creative or enjoyable pursuits in life.

Making Budgeting Visual and Engaging

Lastly, let’s delve into the world of visual budgeting. Many individuals with ND, including myself and many I’ve worked with, find that we understand concepts better when they’re presented visually. So, it’s time to move beyond traditional spreadsheets and embrace color-coded charts, engaging graphs, or dynamic budgeting apps. Visualizing your income, expenditures, and savings goals in vivid colors can shed light on spending habits and savings opportunities in a way that numbers on a page never could. This approach can trigger that ‘aha’ moment, helping you identify areas for improvement and making the financial planning process more interactive and enjoyable. It’s about making your financial journey a visual adventure that you can actively participate in.

Embarking on a journey to financial stability with ND may seem daunting at first glance, but it’s achievable with the right strategies and mindset. Whether implementing a waiting period for impulsive buys, automating your financial housekeeping, or transforming budgeting into a visually stimulating activity, the key lies in finding the methods that resonate with your unique way of thinking and living. Embrace these strategies with patience and persistence, and you’ll find that managing money is within your grasp and might evolve into one of your greatest strengths. Remember, the goal isn’t overnight perfection but relatively continuous, incremental progress toward financial independence and security. Who knows? You may soon discover that handling finances is necessary and an area where you can truly excel and find satisfaction.



Neurodivergent Out Loud

Danielle Ralston, is an ADHD Master Life, Clarity/Goal Setting, Career, Entrepreneurship & Sales Coach I have been an ADHD coach for 25 years and counting.