ADHD Tool: The “Tidy-Up” Basket

for those who wander off and forget they were trying to clean

Jessalyn Luree
A Daydream Café
2 min readJun 30, 2020


Wicker basket with handles filled with various household objects
You can use any basket, box, or bag that works for you!

Why is cleaning with ADHD so difficult?

Straightening up the house can be a very challenging task for those of us with ADHD. Why? Because it can involve multi-step planning, working memory, and regulating attention and emotions when over-stimulated.

Here’s how it usually goes for me: I’m feeling productive and decide to do a quick clean up around the house, but on my way to return the empty coffee cup to the kitchen I get sidetracked and start baking a cake…only to realize I’m out of butter and I should run to the store…etc. etc.

This tidy-up basket helps with this common challenge: wandering off, starting something new, and forgetting that I was cleaning in the first place.

How to use the “tidy-up” basket

The concept of the basket it simple: stay in the room you are working on until it is finished. If you don’t leave, you don’t open yourself up to distractions.

When you come across an item that belongs in another room, do not leave to put it away. You will probably get sidetracked and forget to come back! Toss it in the basket instead.

  1. Grab your basket and bring it with you to the first room you’re working on. Quickly straighten up the room until everything that belongs in the room is put away and everything that belongs elsewhere is in the basket. Challenge yourself to race a timer and finish the room in under 5 minutes.
  2. Bring the basket with you to the next room. This time, take out any items from the basket that belong in the current room and put them away. Continue cleaning up this room and adding things that belong elsewhere to the basket.
  3. Repeat for all rooms until you’re back where you started. Put your basket away and celebrate!



Jessalyn Luree
A Daydream Café

I’m curious. Why did you read this? I skip them. Thought you would, too.🌻autistic storyteller | virtual gallerist | design consultant