AdHive launches in Singapore
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

AdHive keeps growing in Asia. We’re happy to announce that we expand our presence in APAC region and open our second office there — in Singapore — the heart of Asia Pacific.

Why have we chosen it?

“Singapore is a gateway to Southeast Asia and is seen as a wealth management hub, since this city serves as the headquarters for the region. — says AdHive co-founder Dmitry Malyanov. — About 40k international companies operate in Singapore, with more than 7,000 multinational corporations headquartered in the the city-state. Being next door to their headquarters is obviously going to help us interact with our current and potential customers among these companies”.

As a global financial centre, Singapore is ranked fourth behind only London, New York and Hong Kong, and ahead of Tokyo, in the 2018 Global Financial Centres Index. Fintech and blockchain technology are stimulating the growth of financial markets in most major centers and Singapore is not an exception (is a perfect example).

How AdHive acts

AdHive Co-founders accompanied by our advisors His Excellency Ambassador Michael Tay and Dmitry Fedotov, spent some time in Singapore conducting meetings with key people in crypto/blockchain and digital marketing industries in order to present and promote our project and Platform. We also already have concluded the first AdHive Platform use case in Asia, which we for sure will share with you in a while. Stay tuned!

Official links:

AdHive Platform





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