AdHive Token Sale Phase 1 Over
Published in
3 min readFeb 28, 2018

Token Sale Phase 1 is closed, all Tokens are sold.

We have sold ADH Tokens for a total of $12 million thanks to Whitelist members’ deposits. We would like to thank everyone for your immense support! Although we had anticipated a high level of interest in AdHive platform, it has become an incredible surprise that all the tokens of the Sale Phase 1 would be sold-out just with the plain deposits before the official start. We will put every effort into generating an even greater demand and developing the project further.

“Rapidly developing global influencer marketing is on the cutting edge of the advertising industry, although it has remained rather reluctant to adoption and implementation of innovations. Now that we have achieved our Token Sale goal it has become clear that there is an enormous amount of faith in AdHive shown by our community that will help our project to take on the challenge of revolutionizing the industry” — Dmitry Malyanov, AdHive Co-founder.

ATTENTION! ADH Tokens are SOLD OUT. Everyone who offers you to buy them is a scammer.

To organize the Token Sale in the smoothest and safest possible way a special Deposit system has been developed for Whitelist members. They were able to deposit their Ethereum, that was automatically converted into ADH Tokens in the Personal Account right after the Token Sale closure. The procedure allowed for the early supporters to avoid gas wars and the need to wait for the exact minute of Token sale online, while guaranteeing ADH Token purchase in advance.

We are happy that the Token Sale deposit system turned out to be a huge success. Just take a look at this tiny part of what our community members have to say about it:

We are glad to get a lot of congratulations about our Token Sale. We decided to encourage you to spread the word even harder! Let’s launch a contest! We want to give some ADH Tokens away for the best content related to the AdHive Token Sale. It can be a picture, a video, a text — anything. Share it on any social network and use #adhive. We will announce the winner next Thursday. The top 3 most creative ones will get: 5000 ADH, 3000 ADH and 1000 ADH accordingly. Let’s start today!

The possibility to buy ADH Tokens on the exchange will be provided before the end of March 2018. We are going to announce all the details in our Medium blog and will also email everyone additionally.

This is an important step but still just the beginning. Stay tuned — the platform updates will be announced soon. Please subscribe for the newsletter on the, all the details will be provided by e-mail.

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