Beta is over. AdHive v2.0 — official release.
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2018

Nothing lasts forever, especially when it comes to software versions. Our Platform is not an exception.

In the end of April 2018 we have released AdHive Platform Beta version. If we were to make parallels with a human child growing up, we would say that this period was kinda like school time. More than 4 months have passed, we like any other parents have faced a number of issues, successes, disappointment and pride moments. We’ve done our best helping our Platform grow and develop. We have seen its bugs and features, its first campaigns and happy users. Now it is ready to go to college.

During the Beta we have successfully conducted 27 massive advertising campaigns with quite impressive stats.

We won’t go into details of the campaigns yet, a standalone material about it will follow a bit later with real cases, stats and metrics.

As the mobile app for influencers is ready and will soon be available on the AppStore we decided that the Beta testing period is over. Today AdHive Platform v2.0 is released.

AdHive Platform v2.0 changelog:

  • The Platform moved to
  • The advertiser’s account is rebuilt from scratch — back to minimal
  • We are now saving all the past campaigns — an advertiser can check them anytime
  • Much more comfortable campaign creation tool
  • Influencer selection process significantly improved
  • Advertisers can now upload successful cases as a reference
  • 3 blocks of tasks for influencers: New, In progress and History
  • Tasks are now always visible, even if the blogger is not yet registered on the Platform
  • Signing in is only availabe with Instagram or YouTube accounts
  • Minor bugs fixed

From now on we will be regularly updating and improving our Platform, and developing new features. We are going to share the most important and exciting news and updates of the Platform on our Medium.

Official links:

AdHive Platform





The first AI-controlled influencer marketing platform on Blockchain. Launching massive advertising campaigns has never been so simple.