Mobile App Announcement
Published in
3 min readSep 5, 2018

It is 2018, people nowadays almost live in smartphones. We work, shop, socialize, listen to music, do lots of stuff there. That is why almost every service now has a mobile app to use it on the go.

During the past three months we have been developing a user-friendly mobile application for influencers which allows to use the Platform in the most convenient way. While developing we aimed at making an easy-to-use app which interface won’t raise any issues. And it seems that we have nailed it!

While developing AdHive App we focused on these principles:

  • harmonic and cozy design
  • intuitive interface
  • optimal selection of colors for the most comfortable use
  • 3-step process: 1) Take a task 2) Perform a task 3) Withdraw your reward
  • withdrawal system easier than provided by banking Apps

Going into details we can say that we have significantly improved the whole process of taking a task by an influencer. First of all there are friendly notifications to never miss new tasks. Each of them is now divided into a few logical fields. They contain all the necessary instructions on what to do and what not, as well as references from an advertiser. Moreover each task now has a full description of a product/service to be promoted.

As you well know AdHive Platform is a quite complicated system, that is the reason why we spent a plenty of time figuring out the right tone of voice, every element, each symbol— now everything is crystal clear for every user, even your grandma can now easily monetize her blog, if she has one. If not — it is never too late ;)

Soon on the AppStore

AdHive for iOS is expected to be available on AppStore by the end of September. Why did we choose iOS first? We have analyzed visitors and nearly 70% of them use Apple devices. But we didn’t forget about Android app, it will follow soon.
Thanks everyone for your attention and support and as always - stay tuned!

Official links:

AdHive Platform





The first AI-controlled influencer marketing platform on Blockchain. Launching massive advertising campaigns has never been so simple.