New Age in Ads is Dawning
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2018

The world of the marketing industry is storming. Influencers are becoming a new highly effective force for the sale of goods and services on the Internet. They have already dominated over television and other ad formats by providing live feedback and communication with their audiences. The biggest advertisers spend billions for the social network ads on YouTube or Facebook. This area will be transformed and each Instagram or YouTube/Twitch user is a potential marketmaker and advertiser.

It doesn’t matter who you are, it will affect you and everyone you know. Sooner or later you will be part of this storm. The earlier you get into it, the more you will benefit from it.

We’ve been quite for a long time as we were preparing something really big for you. It’s time to lift the veil of secrecy a little bit.

Our initial roadmap and plans included the development of an AI-powered platform for influencers based on existing blockchain systems. Now that the project has achieved a considerable level of advancement and success, we decided that current technologies and solutions are no longer sufficient to sustain the project’s ambitions. Thus we have decided to create new technological solutions.

AdHive is launching a new revolutionary concept, that will change the entire marketing paradigm on the Internet.

We will reveal all the cards later, but the brief concept is as follows:

A unified ecosystem for the whole world, where advertisers will be able to use a single protocol to advertise on social media using any number of influencers with the possibility of carrying out unique targeting and analytics.

Late July is set as the tangible timeframe for the whole protocol concept release, so stay tuned for more news and updates.

Official links:

AdHive Platform





The first AI-controlled influencer marketing platform on Blockchain. Launching massive advertising campaigns has never been so simple.