Сommunity management team

Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2018

You were probably wondering who are those kind and attentive people answering all your questions about AdHive. Well, it’s time to meet them in person!



Successful experience working as an interpreter for 3 years, personal assistant at a construction company for 1 year, supply manager for 6 months, order processing specialist for 1 year at MRO Supply(USA), community manager for 6 months.

Hobbies — psychology of relations, sport, recreational activities.

Why I believe in the AdHive Project:

In the era of blogging, influencers and advertising, AdHive will become a breath of fresh air. This project will significantly reduce the search time for advertisers by working with bloggers directly. I have not seen such projects before.


It is necessary to pay tribute to the team that was engaged in the creation and development of the project. The guys are real professionals. It was the first thing I noticed, when I came to AdHive. AdHive successfully broke into the advertising market. I believe in this project! And the progress is visible already!

I see how the community loves this project. That says a lot!

I could say a lot about this platform, but the best way to see how it works is to try it right here and right now.

It’s an honor to work here, in AdHive.



Successfully worked as an English, Italian and Russian interpreter, teacher and tutor for several years, 1 year of experience in community management.

Hobbies: traveling, cycling, sewing.

Why AdHive?

AdHive is ready to positively change advertising by offering an innovative solution to influencer marketing, taking it to the next level.

The idea of using AI in massive native advertising is absolutely innovative, you can create more and more targeted messages that really resonate with your audience, and the number of mass campaigns is close to infinity, isn’t it great?

Creative believers, enthusiastic about making an amazing product, working with the latest technologies in the sector, always keeping up-to-date with the best practices — that’s AdHive.

I’m more than sure that AdHive is here to stay on an endless mission, and I’m excited about the opportunity to manage a strong AdHive community.


I am deeply impressed by a close-knit team of passionate and talented specialists with the best and brightest ideas and ambitions. Really honored to be part of the team, I strongly believe that together we can break down any barriers to reaching AdHive’s global success.



2 Years of experience in community management. Previously worked with Uber on briefing drivers on the subject of proper etiquette with passengers, as well as correct use of the application. Provided support to drivers on all questions related to the functioning of the app.

Became acquainted with the term “cryptocurrency” a long time ago, but didn’t pay a lot of attention to it. In the middle of 2017, started looking into the concept more closely and, after understanding the possibilities of blockchain technology, I now really believe that we are witnessing something groundbreaking.


Everything Sci-fi related, Volleyball, Reading the twitter feed of Elon Musk.

Why I believe in the AdHive Project:

Personally, I think that conventional ads stopped working on me a long time ago, more so, I even think about them as annoying and intrusive, which makes me see the product being advertised in the negative light, and I think I am not the only one, since studies show the rapid growth of the native advertising market, especially the Influencer Marketing segment. In the last years, the social media influence on our everyday lives became undeniably important. And what followed is the rise of colourful personalities, with more and more people following them, because they are interested in their lives and opinions. When you see the video of your favorite creator and click on it to watch it, and it constantly interrupts your viewing experience with 3–4 ads in the middle, it doesn’t really evoke a positive response for the product being advertised, does it? More and more people are starting to use AdBlocks to get rid of them, which hurts the content creator.

That’s where native advertisement comes in. With native advertising, the content creators themselves can choose which product to endorse, which means they are able to advertise it without hampering the viewing experience. That’s why I think that AdHive has chosen the correct direction of marketing early, which will only continue to grow.

The second reason why I believe in AdHive surfaces when we look closer at the Influencer marketing segment. As the segment continues to grow, the advertiser that wants to raise the effectiveness of the advertising for their product needs to involve a bigger number of influencers, which is negligible at the start, but what if the number of influencers is 50 or more? That becomes a problem, which requires a lot of work, or human resources, as every agreement might need an individual approach. And AdHive solves that problem by implementing the automation of this process with the help of AI. the advertiser will be able to launch mass campaigns without extra operating load, as launching a campaign with 200 bloggers will take as much time as with one. This is undeniably very important to the advertisers, which also strengthens my belief in the success of AdHive!

The third reason is the team. All of them are really passionate about the project and are very professional, and I’m glad I could become part of it!



Born and grew up beyond the Polar Circle, studied in Russia and Finland, travelled a lot, ended up in SEA. INTJ-A, suddenly :)

Belonging to the STEM field, I have always been interested in technology, and AdHive with its innovative approach to a very specific and fast growing market caught my attention. Being part of it gives me a lot and will probably lead to new achievements in various fields.


Languages, paleontology, traditional Borneo dance

Why I believe in the AdHive Project

Because of its innovative nature, as we can see AI is gaining popularity and using it in advertising is definitely a step forward. I would prefer to move towards the future rather than lingering in the past.




The first AI-controlled influencer marketing platform on Blockchain. Launching massive advertising campaigns has never been so simple.