How to write music during the coronavirus quarantine

Blaine Kasten
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2020

The coronavirus has hit us all with the unexpected quarantine. For bands and musicians this has complicated and slowed down song writing. What was once a fun get together to jam and see what happens, for many has become a dream from the past.

Yes things have changed, but there are unique ways to address this. One way is to use adio. adio is a simple to use, collaborative recording platform built for the song writing process. Our mobile application is designed to help you effortlessly capture audio to automatically share with the rest of your band. And our web application is there when you need to do more complex editing and arranging.

Today, adio is offered as a free service to help musicians write during quarantine, while it will later be a (quite cheap) monthly subscription for a band to use. Go try it out today and keep writing!

