Tezos EDO protocol upgrade 🐱‍🏍

Aditya Gautam
Published in
2 min readDec 1, 2020

On the Heels of Delphi, Edo Upgrade Follows Swiftly.

Tezos developers Nomadic Labs, Metastate, and Marigold issued a joint release announcing the Edo update on Monday (Nov. 30). According to the statement, the upgrade will go live in early December.

The major raft of features included in the upcoming Edo upgrade are:

  1. Network hard fork, known as Sapling by Zcash:
    Sapling is a library developed by Zcash distinct from networking and “consensus facing code”. It was developed keeping in mind cross-platform support, lite clients, and network privacy, as well as the maintainability of a fork. This would allow for improved security by keeping this library in a separate address space or other such countermeasures. Deploying Sapling on the Tezos chain will reportedly introduce shielded coinbase, a major component of transaction privacy functionality on blockchain networks. It is aimed at making the network faster, lighter, and more secure. After the completion of the Edo upgrade, developers will be able to integrate Sapling into their decentralized apps (dApps) and smart contract protocols.
  2. Ticket system:
    This is a convenient mechanism for smart contracts to grant portable permissions to other smart contracts or to issue tokens. Although similar functionality can be achieved using already existing methods, tickets should make the process much easier for third-party developers.
  3. fifth period or adoption period:
    To help streamline future upgrades, the Edo proposal also introduces the so-called “fifth period”. Currently, it takes only about one block (or 60 seconds) for new versions of the protocol to go live after voting has been completed, making it difficult for some Tezos bakers, indexers, and other users of the network to assure seamless upgrades of their nodes. To solve this problem, Tezos developers proposed to extend the upgrade period to give users more time to prepare.
    Under the new system, instead of four periods of eight cycles during voting, it's proposed to have five periods of five cycles. The fifth period will be a five cycle gap between the adoption of the new protocol and the time that it goes live, which we believe will aid in assuring seamless protocol transitions.

among these three major updates, there are various other additional upgrades to tezos EDO protocol upgrade which can be found in the official documentation link: https://tezos.gitlab.io/protocols/008_edo.html

