Coming Back Online

Rick Liebling
The Adjacent Possible
Sent as a


2 min readMar 3, 2023

It’s been quite a while since I’ve been consistently writing The Adjacent Possible, “The nexus of science, technology, innovation, and intelligent speculative fiction.” I’m sure most if not all of you have forgotten about my little corner of Medium and that’s perfectly understandable.

But I’ve found inspiration to write again so I thought I’d send out this note to let you know about what’s new, what’s different, and what’s to come.

The original idea behind The Adjacent Possible was to write about science fiction/pop culture/genre but to avoid the big spectacle of Star Wars, the MCU, and the like. Those all get covered plenty, and quite honestly while they are fun to watch, they don’t really inspire me to think differently or really think much at all.

I wanted to look at things that had more depth. My favorite films tend to be from Christopher Nolan, Denis Villeneuve, and Ridley Scott. Filmmakers who take big swings, have big vision, and usually deliver something that keeps you thinking long after the movie is done.

I’ll continue to write about those types of films, shows, comics, etc. And I plan to continue to do Q&As with authors, producers, academics, and others involved in science fiction. I find diving behind-the-scenes, or getting a different perspective can be entertaining and illuminating.

One caveat regarding upcoming content: It’s going to lean heavily into what I’m calling, The Ridleyverse. More specifically, the Blade Runner and Alien franchises. Both have TV shows in production, ongoing comics, roleplaying games, and other media that I’m interested in. I’m looking forward to diving into a variety of aspects of these franchises, and in fact, already have.

On Blade Runner, I’ve recently put together three pieces:

The Enigma of the Blade Runner IP

A Q&A with Tomas Harenstam, designer of the Blade Runner Tabletop Roleplaying game

A Q&A with Joe LeFavi, writer of the Blade Runner Tabletop Roleplaying game

I’ve also recently published a piece in my “Fixing Hollywood” series on the James Bond franchise. Not quite science fiction, but such an icon of pop culture, I was inspired to write down my thoughts on where it needs to go from here. I originally wrote it in 2020, before No Time to Die, but it holds up very well.

Finally, I plan on publishing a piece of original short fiction in the weeks ahead. I’ll refrain from giving away anything but will say that I’ll likely publish on April 22nd, if that’s a clue for anyone.

Thanks for reading this far. If none of the above is of interest, please feel free to unsubscribe, but if this is your type of thing, I hope you’ll engage with my pieces and share them with others.

Thanks and, have a better one.



Rick Liebling
The Adjacent Possible

Passed the Voight-Kampff test. Dix Huit Clearance. Ex-Weyland-Yutani & Tyrell Corp exec. Read my writing on Science Fiction