5 more secrets of super podcast hosts

Make it love at first listen!

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3 min readOct 1, 2018


The advantage of hosting a podcast? Intimacy. If you’re a storyteller, a comedian, or an educator, the uniquely one-to-one environment forges a deep bond between you and your listener. But at the same time, being right in someone’s ear can make hosting quite intimidating. First, there’s the tricky task of making a solid first impression. Then, there’s the issue of being charming enough to maintain attention…consistently…week after week. Yet super podcast hosts have taken on these challenges to go above and beyond, delivering for their fans and future fans alike. Want to be the host with the most? Here’s what it takes to captivate audiences, build a following, grab sponsors, and sustain your podcast business. Here are 5 more secrets of super podcast hosts.

  1. They have conviction

It all starts with a good idea, but it’s passion that brings it to life. Is this the reason you get out of bed every morning? Are you willing and able to put in the time? Have you accepted that success may not come overnight or at all? If you can answer these questions with a resounding “Yes!”, then you’re headed in the right direction. Anyone can start a podcast, but only the truly dedicated will have what it takes to stay the course and build a brand (because you are ultimately building a brand).

2. They create killer content

Creating original, craveable content is easier said than done. But there are a few areas of focus to help you hone in on what will resonate the most. First, focus on a niche. There are a ton of podcasts on knitting, but how many podcasts are out there for women who knit to fight the patriarchy? Next, find your people. Conjure up your ideal listener, get to the bottom of what makes them tick, and speak directly to them. Finally, evergreen is king. Content that sounds just as good 3 years from now as it did yesterday will be relevant to new listeners and easier to monetize.

3. They hustle

You nailed the idea. Your content is on point. Now what? The saying “if you build it, they will come” won’t fly here. Super podcast hosts know they need to hustle to get the word out. That means getting their show on every distribution platform. They learn a little about Marketing 101 and know that promoting only on other podcasts alone is not going to attract new ears. The marketing mix should include multiple platforms to maximize potential reach. Build email lists, buy social ads, promote on your other channels (YouTube channel, blog, etc.)…you get it.

4. They pay it forward

Super hosts are super likable but only because they always have the listeners’ best interest in mind. No matter how bright your star becomes, it wouldn’t be possible without having the back of your community and vice versa. Keep that community strong by making them feel like a part of your journey. Take the time to incorporate and celebrate your fans — whether it’s a regular episode segment, taking their topic suggestions in a Facebook group, or a special “thank you” event.

5. They’re always improving

A podcaster’s work is never done. Asking for feedback on the reg is a crucial part of your podcast machine. What kind of feedback? Recommendations for guests. Suggestions on future topics, or commentary on past topics. Just a “hey, how am I doing?” check-in. This information will not only help you gauge your progress but will also give you some ammo for pumping out more content in the days/months/years to come. Feedback from friends and family is not enough though. A great host is willing to take even the toughest of criticism in order to grow.

Before you get out there superstar, make sure to sign-up to become an insider for tips, inspiration, and more. And if you bring guests onto your show, check out this post on the secrets to super podcast interviews.

