Brands: trying to figure out how to reach today’s mom?

Donelle Brown
AdLarge Podcast Network
4 min readJun 9, 2017

The answer’s closer than you realize.

They are constantly on-the-go: heading to work, picking up the kids, running errands, and even cheering on the sidelines. While on the move, there’s one thing that’s always by their side — smartphones. The rapid rise of mobile devices has opened up new ways for moms to stay connected, making them the quintessential digital multi-taskers.

So what does this mean for advertisers? Moms are the ultimate power consumer — buying for themselves, their husbands, their children, and often for their aging parents or loved ones. They are also power consumers of audio, with digital audio and podcasting at the top of their list of mobile activities. As consumption continues to rise, advertisers should take advantage of this opportunity to break through to this important, yet increasingly hard-to-reach audience.

The key to reaching this powerful audience is knowing where, when, and how they’re listening. The good news? Everywhere, and often! In a recent study conducted by Edison Research on moms and media (part of their Infinite Dial series), we learned that whether it’s at home, work, in the car, or even at the library, 97% of moms are logged on, and engaged in some sort of online activity. Here’s the best part — a huge chunk of that time — particularly as it relates to smartphone usage — involves digital audio, so they’re primed and ready for your advertising message. Here’s how the deck stacks up:

Online Radio: In 2017, 71% of moms surveyed said they’ve listened to online radio in the last month, up from 60% just two years ago. When narrowing the time frame to the last week, 59% reported listening, compared with 48% two years ago, Noting flexibility and choice as the catalyst for listening, Edison found that 44% of moms like to listen to their favorite FM stations on their mobile devices. With the average mom listening to online radio for 13 hours, 54 minutes every week (including both broadcasters’ live streams and internet-only pureplays), it’s obvious that the ability to listen as they move through their everyday life and tasks is an important factor. Many of these listeners shared that they are new to the space, making online radio an excellent opportunity to reach new ears.

Podcasting: Arguably the proverbial ‘shiny new toy’ in the audio space, podcasts have gained some nice momentum, with 19% of moms saying they’ve listened to a podcast in the last week, up from just 9% two years ago. Overall, Edison reports that 46% of moms have ever listened to a podcast, up from 34% two years ago, and 29% have listened in the last month, up from 17% in 2015 and 21% last year. Among these podcast listeners, 66% are listening via mobile devices and about half are listening at home. Moms are increasingly consuming podcasts in other locations, however, with 17% listening in the car, 13% at work and 17% somewhere else. Considering their role as an important (and sometimes ultimate) decision maker in the home, these increases in listenership bode well not only for advertisers currently enjoying success in the podcast arena, but also for advertisers debating on taking that first step.

It should also be noted that the average mom is sampling a variety of podcasts, listening to approximately 7 podcasts per week and consuming nearly five hours of podcast content over that period of time. Remarkably, most are listening immediately, with more than two-thirds downloading and listening right away, compared to 10% who subscribe and download later and 21% who download and listen back later. Clearly, instant gratification is important, as it speaks to most moms’ need to take advantage of the opportunity to indulge as it presents itself, without delay.

For today’s multi-tasking mamas, hectic lives lend themselves to digital solutions. Digital tools help them run those lives more efficiently, while also providing escape and relief in short bursts of engagement and entertainment. Digital audio is a powerful tool that, when used properly, will elevate your brand while reaching this sought-after audience. If you’re not already in the game, don’t miss the opportunity to play. You’ll surely win!

