Infographic: Audio at Home

More Research on Smart Speakers’ Impact on Audio Consumption

Annie Hunt
AdLarge Podcast Network
2 min readNov 2, 2017


Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Have you heard? Smart speakers are changing the audio game. Though only 7% of U.S. households were reported to have smart speakers in Q1 2017, Gartner predicts that number will explode to 75% by 2020.

That 7% is nothing to be ignored though. Among the small but growing percentage of current smart speaker owners, most are taking full advantage of the features these devices offer. According to part two of NPR and Edison Research’s Smart Audio Report, 42% say their speaker has become an everyday essential, while 40% say their devices have made some impact on their lives.

In addition to becoming essential for checking the weather and controlling the lights, audio is playing a major role in how these devices are used day-to-day. For primary users, streaming music is their top regular activity at 70%, while sports and news content are not far behind. For podcast consumers, smart speakers have opened opportunities for even more listening — 20% more.

All this audio listening points to another trend — the revival of audio in living rooms and other common areas in the home. For those households with children, smart speaker listening peaks between 3 pm and 7 pm. Being able to keep kids entertained after school is certainly making parents lives a little easier while improving “family time” as well. Over 4 in 10 smart speaker owners say their speakers allow them to spend more time with other members of their household.

While the full potential of the smart speaker boom remains to be seen, marketers should take note that media habits are already beginning to shift. Smart speaker owners are learning to interact with audio in new ways as they become more comfortable with voice control technology. It’s another way to leverage the power of audio and another touchpoint where audiences are receptive to hearing your messaging.

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