The Year in Audio Advertising

A look back at the trends that will shape the future of the industry (as told in GIFs).

Team AdLarge
AdLarge Podcast Network
6 min readDec 1, 2021


An explosion of content, a sanctuary for our screen-weary eyes, and a vital source of trusted information — interest in audio content is reaching new highs.

No longer an afterthought, audio advertising is also top of mind for brands as they try to keep up with consumers in an ever-changing world.

How is 2021 exceeding all audio advertising expectations? Let’s revisit the headlines that defined the industry, the milestones that inspired us, and the research highlights from 2021 so far.

Happy birthday, podcasting! The first-ever podcast feed was created 20 years ago.

But someone else has a birthday too….AdLarge celebrates 10 years!

Celebrities continue to flock to the medium, but don’t count out the indie podcaster — nearly 50% of indie creators are planning on releasing even more episodes this year.

Time spent with media increases 1 hour from last year. U.S. adults spent an average of 7 hours, 50 minutes (7:50) per day with digital in 2020, a 15.0% increase from 2019.

The buzz around social audio continues to heat up. Podcasters, radio hosts, and brands flock to platforms like Clubhouse to keep the conversation going.

The Infinite Dial 2021 drops new data on the influence of the podcast audience. More people are listening to podcasts than ever before. 41%, or 116M of US adults 12+, now listen to podcasts every month.

Keeping tabs on podcasting during the pandemic, 56% of advertisers say the medium has become more important, according to the Podcast Advertising Report from Advertiser Perceptions.

The Nielsen Total Audience Report finds 60% of adults 35–49 consider radio spots ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ trustworthy. Trustworthiness of podcast ads and ads heard on streaming music services were on par, but broadcast radio still has the edge.

Magellan AI wraps up Q1. 1,500+ new advertisers gave podcasting a go as investments in the medium continue to grow.

Facebook makes a big splash in the audio space with distribution tools. With millions of untapped listeners on the platform, the potential to grow the podcast audience gets real.

The subscription wars begin with the near-simultaneous announcement of Spotify, Facebook, and Apple subscription channels. Ad-supported content isn’t going anywhere yet.

We partner with Sounds Profitable for a podcast upfront event that’s not an event at all…it’s a podcast! Up Next, the first-ever audio upfront, launches with ad buyers who are short on time in mind.

Getting down to business, the IAB Podcast Ad Revenue Report is bullish on the future of podcast advertising. Growing as much in the next two years as in the entire past decade, the industry will surpass $1 billion in 2021 and double by 2023 to $2.2 billion.

May Nielsen PPM data signals recovery for out-of-home radio listening. Radio’s weekly reach hits its highest since March 2020 radio listeners get back out on the road and in the office.

Podsights helps answer the question ‘Are my ads working?’ Now, they can also answer ‘Are my ads reaching the right ears?’ with new capabilities like Audience Intel and Advisor.

The podcast audience is more diverse than ever and the Latino podcast listener in particular should not be ignored by advertisers. The fastest-growing adopters of the medium, monthly listening among U.S. Latino adults increased 44% since 2020.

Podcasters unite for the first (and subsequently only) major IRL podcast event. Podcast Movement takes over Nashville totally around the future of content creation, audience growth, and monetization.

Wildfires, floods, hurricanes…In a summer disrupted by natural emergencies, radio provides a lifeline for communities that need it most.

Where advertisers want to be, meet where consumers want to engage. Nearly half (45%) of ad buyers surveyed by Kantar for its Media Reactions 2021 report said they plan to increase their spending in podcasts in the coming year. Meanwhile, podcast ads overtake influencer content as the preferred digital ad medium.

Need a lift? NCSolutions releases data on the impact podcast ads have on CPG sales: 42% of consumers have purchased a product they heard advertised during a podcast.

Where all the brands at? A WARC study sparks a lot of conversation about ‘the audio investment gap’. 25% of advertisers are “audio avoiders,” meaning they don’t invest in audio in any form.

Let’s close that gap! We release the 4th annual Podcast Buying Guide. The ultimate game plan for podcast ad buyers featuring resources, strategies, and expertise from leaders in the space.

More from the indie podcast world…Tom Webster from Edison Research finds that almost half of all podcast listeners in the US listen to at least one independent podcast every week.

Will radio follow the footsteps of TV and change its currency? Impression-based buying discussions come to radio.

Spoken word audio content (AM/FM radio, podcasts, and audiobooks) is coming for the music playlist. Interest and engagement with the medium hit new highs: spoken word’s share of audio listening increased 40% in the last seven years.

We learn more about the listening habits of the Black podcast audience, and how they interact with sponsors: 84% would be “somewhat likely” or “very likely” to consider a podcast advertiser’s brand.

We always knew, but it’s clear that audio is here to stay as the medium continues to demonstrate its relevance for 2022 and beyond. Whether your brand has been a long-time advertiser, or you just began testing this year…thank you for joining us!

The countdown is on…one more month to go! Stay tuned for updates, but in the meantime let us know what your favorite moments were.

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