15 practical tips on pitching

Steven (Tho) Doan
AdLaunch.com Blog
Published in
1 min readNov 3, 2017

Here are what I learned from other 14 pitches in a pitching workshop by Mike Bradshaw — head coach of Startup Sauna.


  1. Start with a punchline, Not “Hi, I am Tho from …” -> everyone has the name, why others have to care.
  2. Don’t start with a question “Do you know ….? -> weak start because “I don’t know, so I don’t care”.
  3. Don’t say a long number (twenty August two thousand seventeen) -> take time for an audience to process. Instead say “2 months ago”.
  4. Don’t say “always”.
  5. Don’t show demo in pitch because they haven’t interested in it.


  1. Use strong words “we’re; we do” than “we believe; we promise”.
  2. Stop saying anything after say “Thank you”.
  3. Use business words (user acquisition cost,…)
  4. Speak name slowly, recommend repeat 3 times in the pitch.
  5. Pick 1 name, either company name or product name.
  6. If you pitch about hardware, always show it, even a 3D model -> people want to see how big it is.
  7. Say numbers to get people interested.
  8. Use simple language that a 12-year-old can understand.
  9. Give people scale of the problem.
  10. Pick bold, ambitious target.

