Pitching framework that works for every startup

Steven (Tho) Doan
AdLaunch.com Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2017

You may hear a lot of pitches already and most of them follow this basic framework with 10 points below:

  • Tagline -> Problem -> Solution -> Value (keep this part short, even when you have more time)
  • -> Business model -> Landscape -> Team -> Traction
  • -> Ask
  • -> Q&A

1. Tagline

  • No buzzword for tagline (for example: unique, disruptive, revolutionize,…)
  • Don’t use word “platform” -> specific “service” or “tool”
  • Be simple so that everyone can understand.

2. Problem

  • WHO face the problem
  • WHAT problems they face

3. Solution

HOW you solve those problems

4. Value

WHY people have to choose you rather than others

5. Business model

WHO pays | HOW OFTEN | HOW MUCH they pay in average

6. Landscape

Choose to pitch Positioning or Market size.

  • Positioning:
Market position example of Quora

Viewers want to see if you understand who you are and who your competitors are.

  • Market size:
Market size example of AirBnB

Don’t talk about future with reports from someone else.

Talk bottom-up (where you start -> future expand) and prove scalable engine.

7. Team

Don’t present like this
Present your team like this

Tell a story of:

  • How your team come together
  • Why your team want to do it
  • Why you passionate about it

8. Traction

  • The best indicator is money. If you haven’t made lots of money yet, try other ways to show that your company is growing.
  • Or, you can show your learning experience. For example, we have invested X euro into developing product A. But then, we learn from the users that product A’ will be a lot promising for us.

9. Ask — don't forget this part, that's why you pitch!

  • Never ask for money in a pitch, because everyone is asking for it.
  • Instead, ask for networks, advice to grow your business.

10. Q&A

  • Understand the questions -> answer them short and clear.
  • If you don't know the answer -> “that's a good question, we'll get back on you (on our booth)….”

