AdLunam Community Presale AMA Recap

AdLunam, Inc.
Published in
11 min readJan 19, 2022

Read a recap of this exclusive AMA with AdLunam co-founder Nadja Bester

Missed out on attending our recent community presale AMA live on the AdLunam Telegram group? Read the recap below!

Jervis Pereira, AdLunam CMO:

Good Day AdLunam community! Welcome you to another exciting AMA. The AMA will be happening as follows:

  • Section 1: Introduction…..Nadja introduces herself to the community.
  • Section 2: Host will ask Nadja five questions.
  • Segment 3: Five Twitter question
  • Section 4: Host will open up the chat so the community can ask Nadja questions. Host will then mute the chat and Nadja will take some minutes to answer the five best questions.

Part 1

Sheldon Ivish, AdLunam Head of Community:

Before we get down to the order of the day, Nadja, can you please share something about yourselves, your past experience etc.

Nadja Bester, AdLunam co-founder:

Sure :) I’m Nadja Bester, co-founder at AdLunam. I’ve worked in crypto since 2017.

I’ve been in marketing since 2012, owned a digital marketing agency in the early commercial days of the internet, back when businesses didn’t have websites and social media barely existed, and before I came into blockchain, I was head of digital marketing and communications for a global top 10 generics pharmaceutical company.

In crypto, I’ve owned a communications agency, worked as a journalist (,, Be In Crypto, and others), spoken at conferences, and I’ve been CMO at and advisor for multiple blockchain projects. I specialise in early-stage startups. Projects I’ve worked with have raised over $300m in funding. I’m also an award-winning startup mentor and have worked with startups in a range of different industries in Africa and Asia for nearly a decade.

Part 2

Sheldon Ivish:

Let’s get started with Section 2:

Q1: Why has the TGE been delayed?

Nadja Bester:

Short answer is that we are well supported by our investors and quite a few suggested that with market conditions being poor, we ought to postpone until things improved. While we were all excited to launch, we agreed with the sentiment and reluctantly delayed our TGE.

That said, what we have come up with is a way for us to carry on with the business of a launchpad (launching projects) without actually needing a native token right now. This comes in the form of our seedpad that we’re launching even before the TGE.

Finally, our developers are hard at work putting the finishing touches on the rest of the launchpad, which we intend to launch shortly after our TGE. We are already in talks with a few projects who will be doing their IDO on AdLunam and these will start happening soon after our TGE.

Sheldon Ivish:

I’m sure a lot of people were eagerly waiting for the TGE. But we understand why it was shifted

Q2: When is the new TGE?

Nadja Bester:

We will be announcing the TGE as soon as possible. We understand there is a great deal of interest in this question and tentatively we estimate the TGE will be in the latter half of February, but we are open to bringing this date closer if the market shows signs of recovery earlier than expected.

The benefit of this delay, coupled with the launch of our seedpad, is that it affords us the ability to show real traction even before our own TGE, i.e. by the time of the TGE we’ll already be a working launchpad. We think this will ensure a much more successful IDO than had we conducted our TGE much prior to the launch of our actual platform.

Sheldon Ivish:

Wow.. I cant wait for that day to be announced! I hear a lot of excitement about the Community Pre-sale.

Q3: What is the community presale?

The community presale is a strategic community round we’ve introduced at a pre-IDO price that will enable the community to become $LUNAM holders in the same way that our private and institutional investors have invested in AdLunam

Pre-sale investors in AdLunam — via the community round — will get exclusive access to the next few projects we are launching on the seedpad, and we are able to do this even prior to our TGE.

We will also be opening up beta-access to the AdLunam Proof of Attention platform for these early investors and supporters. Given the overwhelming support we’ve seen from the community, we are extremely excited for this soft launch to onboard our early supporters 🥰

Sheldon Ivish:

That sounds exciting! ✨ But can you tell me something?…

Q4: Why a new round?

Nadja Bester:

AdLunam is 100% a community-based launchpad. Community is the centre of our universe — we’re the only launchpad that offers an Engage to Earn model when the allocation mechanism is Proof of Attention and not lotteries or auctions.

However, because of how our roadmap was structured, we hadn’t previously built in a strategic round. Many community members expressed their interest in a community round, and when the market turned downwards, we were able to use the opportunity to reward our community who — up till now, has been amazing (the AdLunam team loves you all, btw! 😍🥰) by opening up a new round at pre-IDO prices.

Sheldon Ivish:

Q5: How do we participate in the community presale?

Nadja Bester:

Step 1, DYOR 😅 Read the Medium announcement to understand the terms and conditions, then follow the link to the whitelist form. Sign up with your email, follow the instructions on the form, and specify your desired allocation amount.

👉 Whitelist announcement

👉 Whitelist signup

Part 3

Sheldon Ivish:

We’re moving on to Segment 3: (Five Twitter questions)

Question 1:

@AkshajAgarwal3: When will the pre-sale of adlunam start? and what are pre-requisites should I have to participate in the ido?

Nadja Bester:

Whitelisting for the community presale started 2 days ago, raising for a total of $50,000. 24 hours after opening the whitelist, the amount was already 85% filled. After 36 hours, we were oversubscribed by 120%. By now, nearly 48 hours later, it’ll be even more than that.

The whitelisting is scheduled to stay open for 2 weeks, but based on the overwhelming response we’ve seen over the past two days, we might close it sooner — an announcement will be made if that is the case.

The fact that the list is oversubscribed doesn’t mean you can no longer participate — just that there are more people on the list :) So for as long as the whitelist is open, you’ll still be eligible to participate in the round.

The presale itself will start a few days after the whitelist closes to give the team time to process the applications.

Question 2:

@SahaSamantak: Apart from getting tokens at a discount in the #AdLunamCommunityPresale, what are the other benefits that one can expect in the long run such as utility NFT or allocations for the projects launching on AdLunam later on? Also, whitelist is open for big amount(>$2–4k) people only?

Nadja Bester:

So the benefit of participating in the community presale actually far exceeds the fact that the tokens are available at a discounted price. Since this presale is also launching the AdLunam seedpad, everyone who participates in the AdLunam sale will automatically become eligible to receive allocation to invest in the next few projects we launch on the seedpad. Since these projects are also raising for pre-IDO rounds, you could get access to several project raises at private round prices.

Secondly, presale investors will be the FIRST users to gain access to the AdLunam platform, so your ability to build up your Proof of Attention score will start earlier than for the general public.

If you haven’t signed up for the platform waiting list yet, I’d suggest that as the next step — we already have over 20,000 people on the waiting list and the platform will be opened up to them next.

👉 AdLunam waiting list

Finally, as a presale investor, you’ll be eligible for exclusive, limited edition early adopter NFTs. This will further enhance your investor status on the AdLunam platform.

Question 3:

@muhbaraqz: Will there be any presale opening for people with less than $2k?? Since the @AdLunamInc is community driven

Nadja Bester:


Keep in mind that at the CORE of what we do at AdLunam *is* to democratise crypto. We believe that EVERYONE should have access to crypto investment, hence our Engage to Earn model, where through Proof of Attention you exchange your engagement for allocation.

So with the presale, the minimum allocation amount is $50 :)

Question 4:

@GeMedin: You said you are launching new projects on your seedpad. How can I invest in them?

Nadja Bester:

For the first few projects we’ll be raising for on the seedpad, you’ll automatically be in the running to receive allocation IF you invested in the AdLunam community presale :)

Question 5:

@paulgi2120: If I invest at the minimum, what are my chances?

Nadja Bester:

As good as anyone else’s! We’ll be selecting investors at random so as to give everyone an equal chance to receive allocation, so if you’re on the whitelist, you stand the same chance of getting in as anyone else on there, no matter how big or small your allocation request.

Part 4

Sheldon Ivish:

Let’s move on to Section 4. Community question round

Will open up the chat so users can ask questions. Host will then mute the chat and the speaker will take some minutes to answer few questions. We will save any questions the speaker answers. After that, winners will be selected based on the quality and relevance of their question.

Unmute in 3,2,1 GO!

(+2.5k questions arrives)

@Jsmith_smith: I saw on your website that you are doing a countdown to the $ LUNAM TGE. How can we participate in your TGE, do we need to have a KYC? What is the starting price and hard cap of $ LUNAM on a TGE? Is there a minimum or maximum purchase during the presale? Can you give me two reasons why I should buy $ LUNAM?

Nadja Bester:

Sure, so as mentioned, the TGE has been delayed till market conditions improve, and in the meantime you’ll be able to participate in the community presale. The TGE will take place on third-party launchpads so processes depends on the launchpad in question. For our own presale, the minimum allocation is $50 and it’s required to KYC before participating in the round.

@mr_braggs: How do you plan to survive through this market if markey isn’t recovered soon

Nadja Bester:

Great question! Essentially, by launching our seedpad even prior to our TGE, we’re already in business as a launchpad. And by onboarding first our presale investors and then our early adopters on the waiting list onto the platform, we’re kickstarting the opportunity to Engage to Earn. So the market conditions in actual fact count in our favour and will cause us to have an even stronger TGE when conditions pick up.

@DorlaBonds: how many projects are already here and how to invest ?

Nadja Bester:

By investing in the AdLunam community presale, you’ll be eligible to receive allocation for several projects through exclusive access to ours and the first few projects we raise for after our own.

@LatarshaIrizarry1993: Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to join your project? Because the success of a project attracts more investors who haven’t yet entered the crypto world. What are the plans to raise awareness about your project in the non-crypto space.

Nadja Bester:

As an Engage to Earn platform, we anticipate that many crypto investors — new and old — will be interested in using our Proof of Attention allocation mechanism. Since our platform is structured similarly to message boards like Reddit, this will offer a lot of familiarity to newbies to the crypto space, as well as offer them an easy way to start investing in crypto: Investing first with their engagement, and then through Engage to Earn, qualify for allocation.

@Pamelia_Christenson_1992: For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

Nadja Bester:

AdLunam had a very successful seed round and a wildly successful private round. We filled our private round within the first week of opening it and the round was more than 500% oversubscribed. So we’re well-funded. Even better, we have an existing testnet already and our mainnet is almost fully developed, so we’re good to go :)

I’ll try to answer another 5 to give more people a chance to get their questions answered :)

@BennettMackay: What blockchains do you want to support in the future?

We’re initially launching on Polygon, with plans to go cross-chain throughout 2022. However, we’ve partnered with Spherium Finance, our bridging solution partner, to launch our projects on other chains even before we’re fully cross-chain.

@marvaland93: Many majority of Crypto projects are built just for the purpose of creating wealth for themselves. So I want to know the value you aim to add to the crypto industry that will bring greater abundance to the industry.

Nadja Bester:

This is exactly why we built AdLunam! As co-founders, we’ve all been in the crypto space for many years. We’re all doxxed, we all have excellent reputations in the industry — in fact, I’ll add our LinkedIn profiles here so you can check us out :) We’re not after creating wealth for ourselves, we’ve already done that over the years that we’ve been in crypto. AdLunam is us giving back to the community and to enabling anyone to get into crypto investment.

@kathefuentes55: Are you planning to promote your project in countries / regions where English is not good? Do you have a local community for them to better understand your project??

Nadja Bester:

Absolutely yes! AdLunam will not be an English-only platform. As a crypto forum, there will be local forums for every region, so you don’t need speak English to build up your Proof of Attention score :)

@ReginaldRucker: Where did you get the inspiration for this unique project idea? And what influence will we have on the crypto industry due to the project?

Nadja Bester:

We believe that AdLunam is going to change the way IDO launchpads operate. Proof of Attention is a first on the market and nowhere else can your engagement rate get you allocation — unless you’re an influencer. The reason we started AdLunam is because we’ve worked with literally hundreds of projects between ourselves as a team and we know what the problems in the industry are. We wanted to create a platform to support the crypto community that is fair and promotes equality, rather than being only whale-friendly.

@Larraine_pulliam: What are the steps to become a part of your community, and start getting revenues? Where do we buy, where do we sign up? This looks like an amazing project!

Nadja Bester:

Thanks for the feedback!

  • Step 1: Sign up for the waiting list.
  • Step 2: Get yourself whitelisted to participate in the community presale for as little as $50. (Read the announcement.)
  • Step 3: Follow us on our socials to stay connected — we regularly run competitions and giveaways, and this will not stop after the TGE — a big part of our tokenomics is for the community.
  • Step 4: As soon as the testnet launches, or if you get in as a presale investor, start using the platform and build up your Proof of Attention score! 🚀

I think that’s 10 questions, so I’ll wrap up here. Thanks for your time and attention during this AMA, I hope you got your questions answered :)

Sheldon Ivish:

Special thanks to the team behind the scene for making this happen. Thanks to Nadja and everyone for joining the AMA.

About AdLunam

AdLunam, Inc. is an Engage to Earn NFT-integrated Proof of Attention IDO launchpad for the Web 3.0 Attention Economy. Its Proof of Attention ecosystem enables crypto investors to monetise their own social capital and allows projects access to the industry’s top-most engaged retail investors throughout a token’s funding life cycle.

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AdLunam, Inc.

NFT-Integrated Proof-of-Attention IDO Launchpad