Utoo Theme: Google Material Design meets AngularJS Theme

Sanket Sahu
Admin & Dashboard Themes
3 min readJul 1, 2015

I want to showcase my latest Utoo theme which I designed based on Material design. Here is a quick sneak peek. You can see the live demo here.

Material Design + AngularJS = Awesomeness!

Utoo Material implements custom Angular Components enabling you to write shorter, semantic markup. Say Goodbye to unwieldy classnames and spaghetti code!

…and it’s Responsive!

It’s perfect for mobiles, desktops and tablets.

Interactive widgets to move fast!

I believe in “moving fast” before the technology changes. So, me and my team added a lot of ready-to-use widgets which can be just integrated in any project.

There are widgets like

  • Stats Widget
  • To Do Widget
  • Map Widget
  • Sidebar navigation
  • Quick toggle between fluid and fixed width containers

Lot of useful pages

To get started ASAP on your projects, there are a lot of ready to use pages. I am attaching few of them here

Who doesn’t like Graphs and Charts?

With a bunch of sample charts, it’s even easier to visualize your dashboard.

Why don’t you try Live Preview?

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Sanket Sahu
Admin & Dashboard Themes

Founder GeekyAnts • Building gluestack-ui & NativeBase • (he/him)