Launching Adminca

Lukas Eiermann
Adminca Blog
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2016

We have very exciting news! Following the start of the new year we are officially launching Adminca today. It is the first out of the box admin panel for Parse and comes with everything you need so your team or clients can manage data like never before. Try it for free at and create an admin panel for your Parse data within seconds.

How we got here

While developing Adminca, we decided to start at the source. Interviews with start-ups, developers, and agencies contextualized the problems of existing solutions and identified the features and elements needed for a powerful admin panel. After finishing the MVP we rolled it out to our first users and had them test drive it from both the administrator and collaborator perspective. These early contributors have been fundamental to refining our design.

Following those preliminary stages, we have taken Adminca on the road for the last two months, inviting a variety of alpha users from the US, Australia, UK, Germany, and France to work with the application. Based on this vital feedback we have iterated our design and added additional features. Some examples of this added functionality are the possibility to order columns, an option to duplicate records and the picture preview within the table.

Driven by the Adminca Values

In an earlier blog post we mentioned that all product decisions are guided by the three S’s: Secure, Simple, Smart. Lets look at some examples of how these are reflected in our first version.

Secure: We do everything we can to ensure that your data is protected. Adminca always uses SSL to establish a safe connection between your browser and the server. Your master key is AES-256 encrypted for maximum security.

Simple: We made sure that it is ridiculously easy to set up Adminca. In less than a minute you will have an admin panel that is ready to use. It is simple to then customize the panel and invite collaborators. Since the interface is so easy to use there is no additional training needed and your collaborators can start managing data right away.

Smart: While Adminca is easy to set-up and use, it still provides powerful functionalities that go beyond what you can do with Parse. For each field within a class — as well as the class itself — you can set precise permissions that allow you to control what your collaborators can see and edit. With the search bar, it is straightforward to create complex search queries. Instead of using the Object ID, Adminca identifies a record through a field that you can define which makes it a lot easier to create, view and browse relationships.


The great news is that you can test Adminca for 3 months for free. In this time period, you can create as many panels as you want and invite an unlimited amount of collaborators. Afterwards the following three options are available for you:

  • 1 Admin Panel and up to 5 collaborators for $20/month or $200/year.
  • 3 Admin Panels and up to 15 collaborators for $50/month or $500/year.
  • 10 Admin Panels and up to 50 collaborators for $100/month or $1000/year.

Feel free to reach out to us at for individual requests or specific personalization.

Included Features

Out of the box Adminca comes with a comprehensive feature set that allows you as an administrator to customize the panel:

  • Invite collaborators or other administrators to your organization or to an individual admin panel.
  • Define the actions that your collaborators can take in a specific class (view, edit, create) as well as the appearance of this class (class name, column order, ID/name field).
  • Set the settings for each field within the class (editability and visibility, default values, validation rules).

Once you have customized the admin panel you can invite your collaborators to manage data.

  • In the Main View, they can sort and filter each column or use the advanced search to search on multiple columns at the same time. They can also easily create new records or duplicate existing ones.
  • In the Detail View, collaborators can edit and view everything about one specific record, but can also still navigate between different records. The editing is made effortless through features like field formatting or an image preview and upload. Adminca also provides the predefined default values to pick from and makes creating and viewing relationships incredibly easy by using a name field instead of the Object ID.


While we packed a lot of functionalities into Adminca there are still powerful features that are yet to come. We will always keep you updated through the blog on our current development. Some of the things that we will release within the next month are:

  • Export to CSV: Allow users to download the current view (including filter, search and sort) as a CSV file.
  • Save predefined table views: Create multiple predefined views for a class (filters, search and sort) that your collaborators can pick from.
  • Bulk actions: Allows users to edit a certain field for multiple records at the same time.

If you are interested in a personal demo or have any feedback you can contact us at
Learn more at
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We would love to hear from you!

