Friday Five: July 5, 2019

Nicole Hawkins
Admirable Athlete
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2019
Brian Spurlock, USA Today Sports

Nate Lashley’s inspiring story: A plane crash and the will to keep playing golf — Greg Levinsky, Detroit Free Press

“Shock and disbelief. It was a really tough time, especially that week with the funerals and the memorial service. I was just kind of out of it.”

Francesco Pecoraro/Getty Images

We are all brothers — Kalidou Koulibaly, The Players Tribune

“I think that until you have lived it, you cannot really understand. It is such an ugly thing, and it is hard to talk about. But I will try to explain it to you now, because there is an important message that I want every kid reading this to understand.”

Surfing brings healing for wounded US veterans — Sébastien Vuagnat ,

“It’s very therapeutic and much needed. You know, being trapped in your head all the time, it’s nice just to come out here and just kind of focus on one thing. That thing is just enjoying yourself.”

Jason Collins is still working to give LGBTQ pro athletes a voice — Stefan Bondy, New York Daily News

“A lot of people remember the radio interview and think, ‘Okay, that’s the end of the story.’ But it isn’t. That’s just the beginning of the story. And his transformation as a human being — I’m so proud of him. I’m grateful he went out of his way to reach out to me.”

Northwest Mutual

Ex-NFL star and DWTS champ Donald Driver helps kids forget cancer for a day — Greg Hamlin, People Magazine

“As a father, you just want your kid to be happy and enjoy life, and sometimes they don’t get the opportunity because of this disease. This gives them the opportunity to be kids again.”

