Finding Balance: Navigating Extremes to Achieve Moderation

Exploring the delicate dance between all or nothing and the art of moderation

Frederik Daneels
Admiring Multipotentiality


A balanced scale in the center of the image. Left scale containing coffee and wine — the healthy options on the other side (greens and water)

How often do we find ourselves swinging between extremes, seeking balance but rarely finding it?

For me, understanding these extremes has been crucial to personal growth, even when moderation seemed out of reach.

Addiction, an unhealthy form of extremity, is a constant presence in my life. It lurks just around the corner, waiting for a moment of weakness to strike.

In dealing with addiction and other extreme behaviors, I’ve found that there are two primary approaches: completely leaving them behind or finding a way to moderate them.

Method 1: not going back

I haven’t touched coffee in five years now and have no intention of going back. My journey with coffee started innocently enough, with just one cup in the morning for over 20 years.

But as I gradually added more cups throughout the day, I realized how small habits can spiral into extremes.

Before I knew it, my days revolved around trips to the coffee machine. This was when I recognised a pattern that wasn’t sustainable or healthy in the long run. As a famous singer once…



Frederik Daneels
Admiring Multipotentiality

Ask me anything about freelancing and owning a business. Deep thinker about life.