Garima Mishra
Admiring Multipotentiality
3 min readJul 18, 2024

Life is not simply a chain of random events, but a rather complex interplay of patterns, cycles, and trends

Photograph by Jan Canty on Unsplash

Something bizarre happened today. I had a dream in which my father was struggling to breathe and I was helplessly watching him die. Scared, I woke up with a choked feeling. I checked the time on my phone. It was 4.30 in the morning. Heaving a sigh of relief, I thanked God and said my morning prayers. Along with the realization that it was just a dream, what relieved me more was the fact that there was no need to decipher the dream as my father, my hero, is already in heaven.

I got busy with my morning routine, and sat with a cup of black coffee and the book I have been reading — Search in Secret India by Paul Brunton. Whenever I am reading a book and come across something that has a deep meaning, I pause for a while, absorb it, and contemplate it, instead of simply getting on to the next page. Does it happen with you too dear reader?

Anyway, so, this morning I came across not just one but two such sentences in Brunton’s book that’s a personal account of his meetings with the yogis and fakirs of India as well as their teachings and astonishing powers. They are:

“It is not always easy to read the pages of the soul by the letters of the body.”

“It’s a strange world, my masters!”

After reading the second sentence, I started mulling how on the one hand, life has its natural cycles, rhythms, and patterns, on the other, it is a collection of many random events and strange coincidences that have no logical explanation. Often I find my views about life oscillating between the two like a pendulum. As I was playing with this thought, I got the news of a close friend’s father’s sudden demise the previous night.

It left me stunned for a while. In less than an hour, this news had followed the terrifying dream of my father’s death. Am I the only one to find it bizarre?

Nevertheless, after the initial feeling of shock, I began seeing life beyond the elements of randomness and unpredictability. As much as I have experienced strange coincidences in the past, I have also observed that life has deeper patterns, connections, and underlying meanings.

Everything and everyone is interconnected at some level. I watched a science-based documentary about a year ago that explained how the fundamental particles and energy fields that make up our bodies are the same throughout the cosmos and how all humans are related on a subatomic level. I feel there’s indeed something beautiful about this interconnectedness in the web called life. And, when I see it this way, I don’t find my dream all that bizarre.

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Garima Mishra
Admiring Multipotentiality

Garima Mishra is a Pune-based independent writer with experience of 15+ years in journalism. Her interests are reading / fitness / poetry / music / films