ADN Coin Tips: 4 Ways To Protect Your Digital Assets

ADN Coin Official
Published in
5 min readSep 6, 2019
ADN — 4 ways to protect your digital assets

ADN Coin Tips: 4 Ways To Protect Your Digital Assets talks about actions that users can do to secure their funds, leading to better online security.

Using the internet is fun; it’s one of the best things that was ever invented. However, along with all the pros comes cons. Now, it’s easier than ever to access information — for both the good guys and the bad guys alike. Using the internet becomes a lot less fun when your security gets compromised, and it happens to many. In a report on cybersecurity made by Norton, they mentioned that almost 600 million people are affected by cybercrime globally.

Security is a major concern for every person using the internet. According to the same report, while many people affected might have been victims of data breaches, the majority of victims are not confident in how to protect themselves online. This is why we are writing this post. The ADN team is all about security, and the following are four tips to protect your digital assets.

1.Getting the Right Information

While the internet is a great source of information, not everything is true. It’s very easy to spread false information online — especially in social media. In fact, researchers from Stanford University published a study titled Trends in the Diffusion of Misinformation on Social Media. According to the research, they found 570 fake news websites and more than 10,000 fake news stories on Facebook and Twitter. This is why everyone who wants to invest in cryptocurrencies should religiously do their research before pulling the trigger.

Before you invest, practice due diligence. Should you decide to dive deep into the world of crypto, you should be aware of the latest news and updates. Cross-check your sources. When studying a specific cryptocurrency, read their documentation such as whitepapers, technical information, among others — and read user reviews. This way, you can gain knowledge not only from the company’s perspective but also from their users.

Right Information

2. Use Strong Access Codes

It is important to make an effort to use strong passwords on your mobile devices or computers. Hackers can try to take control of your access codes through a password cracker. A password cracker utilizes brute force by creating various different combinations of characters many times until it can access the account.

If your password is short and simple, the program will be able to get the combination faster. If your password is complex and long, the program will have a longer and harder time — and you are less likely to get hacked.

Another step you can do is to back up all your access codes and store them in a safe place. The safest way may just be to save your keys in cold devices — devices without connection to the internet.

Strong Access Codes

3.Examine Links Before You Click

“If an offer sounds too good to be true, it just might be” — this old adage is also applicable to securing your assets, not only investment-wise but also in avoiding phishing attempts and spyware. It is best to avoid clicking suspicious links and emails that offer free trips, huge discounts, or simple gifts, especially if they don’t come directly from an official page of a trusted company. They might contain malware that enables the bad guys to access your devices.

Injecting malware is a common hacking technique. Links, suggestions for websites, and dubious emails are all part of their bait strategies to access your devices. These malware suggestions can be sent by unknown people or even by your own contacts who were compromised first. You can avoid this by making sure that the links that you click are from trusted sources. Delete emails from suspicious senders and don’t click on attachments on emails that look shady.

Examine Links Before You Click

4.Play Safe by Using Private Connections

6 out of 10 consumers believe using public wifi is riskier than using a public restroom, according to the Norton report. On public wifi, the risks of getting hacked are way higher than on a private connection. Public wifi is where the following happens:

● Man in the Middle Attacks — a form of eavesdropping where vulnerabilities can allow an attacker to get in between transmissions and read them.

● Malware distribution — hackers can exploit public wifis by writing a code that aims at a specific vulnerability, and then, they can input malware in devices.

Play Safe by Using Private Connections


Keeping your funds secure is a combination of effort and self-awareness. Most security cracks are often caused by a false sense of security, acting too hastily, laziness, or just plain negligence — like carelessly inputting private keys on suspicious sites, leaving funds on exchanges rather than your wallets, and other acts of convenience that may lead to asset loss.

Our advice to our users is summed up in four points — make sure that you have the correct information, use strong access codes, examine links before you click, and play it safe by using private connections. It’s not that hard. It’s all about finding a balance between security and convenience.

ADN Tips — 4 Ways To Protect Your Digital Assets

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ADN Coin Official

ADN is a powerful ICO security platform ⁠ — a pioneer within the FinTech industry that will integrate an investor-protection mechanism for ICO participants.