ADN Ecosystem: The Upcoming Mainnet Swap

ADN Coin Official
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2019
ADN Mainnet Swap

ADN Coin will be having its mainnet to serve the users best. Know the difference between a mainnet swap and a token swap as we await the mainnet launch.

Previously, we discussed the ADN ICO Wallet. This is an important security feature that is unique in the ADN blockchain. We are developing our ICO Wallet along with our mainnet, in partnership with DeepDive Technology.

Meanwhile, let us proceed with the other factors that we need to discuss in the ADN Ecosystem. To continue with our series, we will discuss the mainnet swap. This is an important activity that we will be having in the future, and we hope every ADN Coin user will look forward to it.

Mainnet Swap

By definition, a mainnet swap is a process wherein blockchain projects that operate from a previous mainnet would swap into another mainnet. This may also result in another process called a token swap or token migration, wherein holders of a particular token would trade their token from the previous mainnet and swap it to the one created in the new blockchain that the specific project has migrated to.

Strategically, this occurs when because blockchain-based projects that haven’t created their mainnets yet, and are in need of funding, utilize a previously-existing mainnet for stability and practicability. Once they have successfully created their platform through the said mainnet, they may now be able to earn funding for their own mainnet development through an ICO.

Once the mainnet preparations are complete, the blockchain project will migrate from the former blockchain to their own. When the migration has been completed successfully, the project may also announce a token swap. Token holders will be encouraged to trade their tokens to the ones that are minted by the blockchain project in its own mainnet.

The Need for Mainnet Swap

Mainnet swaps are critical to the success of a blockchain project. In fact, these are proof of a project’s legitimacy. Popular examples are EOS’ and TRON’s mainnet swaps, wherein they migrated from the Ethereum blockchain once their mainnets were ready to be launched.

Another popular instance was when Storj moved from the Bitcoin blockchain to Ethereum’s for scalability purposes. Each blockchain may be different from another, and crypto companies may decide to migrate from their former mainnet to a newer one if they deem the latter more compatible with their project.

ADN Mainnet Swap

As mentioned above, we are currently developing our mainnet with DeepDive Technology to get rid of bugs and other technical and security flaws that other entities might otherwise exploit. Also, our ADN Coin is currently an ERC-20 token, which means that it runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Once our mainnet is ready to go live, we will migrate from Ethereum to our own.

We expect to be done with all the necessary preparations before this year ends. By the time that our mainnet has gone live, we hope to see more ADN Coin users.

We will be having our mainnet swap — and possibly token swap — and we hope that every ADN Coin user will stay updated before it occurs so that the process will occur as smoothly as possible. Please stay tuned for further updates regarding our progress.

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ADN Coin Official

ADN is a powerful ICO security platform ⁠ — a pioneer within the FinTech industry that will integrate an investor-protection mechanism for ICO participants.