ADN Highlights: Our 2019 Year in Review

Jesus L. Dawal Jr
Published in
5 min readDec 31, 2019
ADN Highlights: Our 2019 Year in Review
ADN Highlights: Our 2019 Year in Review

ADN has had a blast this 2019. As we bid goodbye to this year, we celebrate the good times and learn from the challenges for a bullish 2020.

2019 is a memorable year for the ADN team, as this is the year when we have formally begun our operations. We embraced the challenges that are experienced by startups in the blockchain industry, especially that the market has just warmed away the chills of the 2018–2019 crypto winter.

Looking back at how ADN began its organization and its operation, we can dare say that it has been a great year regardless, not only for us but for the cryptocurrency and blockchain community as a whole.

As 2019 comes to a close, we reminisce about all that we have accomplished so far. Although we are always keen on moving forward, it is good to look back at past achievements every once in a while for our invigoration and experiential wisdom. Join us as we through the highlights one by one.

Putting the Team Together

Perhaps one of the biggest hurdles that ADN had to go through was the formation of its own blockchain development team. We understand that blockchain development is a relatively new craft and that highly qualified developers are very hard to find — if not very expensive to hire.

Thankfully, we were able to get a few capable hands to help us out. One of them is Misha Hanin, who is the CEO and Founder of iRangers International and DeepDive.Tech. Despite being based in New York, Misha visits our blockchain team occasionally to oversee the developments.

Misha is a cybersecurity evangelist who has decades of professional experience and countless projects to prove his capability. He is the CTO of ADN, as befits his expertise and dedication.

Another expert that we have brought to our fold is Tad Einstein, an IT authority who has massive experience in data center technologies and cloud solutions. Tad is a descendant of the great Albert Einstein.

ADN has also recruited other tech pundits such as Boris Heismann, Dima Zodek, and Rob Zacharias. Together with Misha and Tad, they spearhead the mainnet development team. They guide our ADN team in keeping our platform secure.

Partners and Advisors

ADN has also partnered with a number of notable companies that share many common interests. Our CEO Ron Lim and Co-CEO Jon Ban have been busy this year in reaching out to these companies and in expressing our desire to collaborate with them in making ADN a unique and secure ICO platform.

Comprising these partnerships are companies and cryptocurrency exchanges. Some of these are considered by various crypto information sites as part of the top 50 exchanges around the world.

We also have sought the wisdom of accomplished individuals so that we will be able to pursue a worthwhile goal. One example is Arben Kane, who is an angel investor in a number of tech ventures. He also patented an array of inventions.

Exchange Listings

As mentioned above, we were able to partner with a handful of cryptocurrency exchanges. In recognition of ADN’s potential, these exchanges have chosen to list ADN Coin on their platform.

Our team is happy with this milestone since many of these are considered top exchanges by many reputable crypto listing sites. Specifically, these are Coinall, DOBI Exchange, Bitforex, DigiFinex, CoinTiger, TOPBTC, IDAX, P2PB2B, CoinBene, and OOOBTC.

Our leaders are reaching out to more exchanges for additional listing. In the meantime, you can check the ADN Coin live price online through your favorite crypto exchange.

Mainnet Development and ICO Wallet App

Not that we would like to keep you in the dark, but we are doing closed-door developments, and we plan to do this for a time. Truth be told, we don’t want to show our codes and updates to the public, for now, to ensure that our technology will be flawless and our system will be impregnable against persons who could otherwise exploit it.

Blockchain technology is one of the most secure innovations that we can freely access. Part of the reason why it is secure is that it is open-source, which means that everyone in the community can access its codes. We do not know everyone, that is why we are not sure that all of their intentions will be pure. That is why we have become discreet with our progress.

We promote ICO protection and cybersecurity; we should be good examples of it first. That is why we have been very quiet with our developments in the past months. Please rest assured that we are doing our best at the moment and that we will be unveiling our progress once our technology chief and advisors have given us the green light.

ADN Coin Giveaways

To express our appreciation to faithful ADN members, we have done a series of ADN Coin giveaways. As a matter of fact, we are giving away up to 100,000 ADN Coin on January 1, 2020. These coins will be shared by ten lucky winners.

Aside from handing out free ADN Coin to our friends for them to trade and hold, we believe one way to expedite mass crypto adoption is to enable people to use and trade cryptocurrency. This will only happen if they have crypto to spend in the first place. Hence, our modest giveaways.

In an interview, CEO Ron said that “blockchain technology is an interesting and helpful concept,” and that it has a number of potential use cases for it in the finance sector alone.

CEO Ron added further:

“I would feel very rewarded when the time comes that ICOs become more secure due to ADN. For now, I am very grateful for the trust and confidence not only of ADN Coin users but also of my team of blockchain developers.”

Final Words

There have been a lot of developments that happened at ADN this year. In the last six or seven months since we announced our launching, we have experienced our fair share of milestones and challenges. But looking in retrospect, we can boldly say that even the tough times were blessings in disguise.

As we look forward to 2020, we expect to be finished with all the groundwork. Hopefully, we will be able to push through with our unique ICO security platform this year. On our own, we will not be able to accomplish this feat. But with our partners, advisors, and you, beloved members of the ADN community, we will see this come to pass.

Click on the “👏” button on the left side of the screen if you feel like more of our ADN friends and partners should read this. Put those hands together as many times as you like. Also, keep getting social with us through our official channels.

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Jesus L. Dawal Jr

Writer. Editor. Stereotype breaker. I can’t help but side with the underdogs. My only quest is to conform to the image of my namesake.