ADN Introduction, the Powerful ICO Security Platform

ADN Coin Official
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2019
An introduction to ADN Coin

The modern ICO calls for modern solutions that have the investors’ welfare in mind. Introducing ADN Coin, a powerful ICO security platform.

Think of ordering a dress online with Bitcoins, or paying for a nice cup of cappuccino at a local cafe through your mobile wallet app. The concept of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has taken the world by storm. The possibility of a future wherein payments will not be made through physical money seems too revolutionary for anyone to pass upon. However, there are so many things entailed in the concept, and while it is good to know that many people are willing to join in the eCommerce revolution, we cannot help but admit that some of those are joining with not-so-good intentions.

That is why we created ADN. But first, a little introduction on blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

For the sake of our crypto newbies, let’s define the two most popular words in the crypto world: blockchain and cryptocurrency.

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital asset that uses complex mathematics and cryptography to regulate the generation of units of its currency and to verify transactions being done on its system. This type of currency solves the age-old issue of double-spending. These are also decentralized, which means that no bank or any traditional intermediary will meddle in any transaction made by persons or organizations in a particular blockchain.

On the other hand, blockchain is a type of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) that was invented to support the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Blockchain and DLT are sometimes used interchangeably, but they are different. But let’s discuss the difference on another day.

To put it plain and simple, blockchain is a technology that replaces the handwritten or digital ledger books. Its main features include: storing information in batches or blocks, creating trust in data because it is secured by all the computers, and finally, there are no intermediaries such as banks.

When blockchain technology was formally introduced to the world, its chief function was to become the backbone of cryptocurrency. But as time passed by, many people have discovered other use cases for blockchain. One is the creation of decentralized applications (DApps). This will be expounded below.

What is ADN?

One of the main problems of cryptocurrencies today is the fact that it is used as a mechanism for scams and fraudulent activities. More and more ICOs report success in raising funds, but now, more than ever, cryptocurrency investors know that it’s not all positive since it has caused financial losses as well. ADN plans to combat this. The ADN Main Network is a blockchain-based platform designed to secure initial coin offering investments (ICO).

Our Technology

Secure environment

ADN will be the first to have an investor-protection mechanism designed to become fraud-proof, scam-proof, and laundering-proof.

Decentralized ecosystem

The project aims to contribute to the cryptocurrency industry through the development of a completely decentralized payment system focusing on eCommerce while still working with a holistic approach — implementing the distributed ledger technology which makes transactions transparent to participants.

Widely accessible

ADN will be widely available to trade with other cryptocurrencies, thereby granting access to everyone who wants to participate in ICOs held on its platform.

Economic solution

Plain and simple — you can make faster, more affordable and secure transactions with the ADN Payment Processing System. You can benefit from minimal and transparent fees by using one of the most recent technological developments available in the market.

eCommerce with ADN

Cryptocurrencies are, as the name suggests are meant to be used to pay for products and services. One of ADN’s main value propositions is the integration of its coin as a payment solution to an online shopping mall platform where cryptocurrencies is an esteemed payment method. Shopping online with cryptocurrency will be a game-changer.

The ADN Mainnet

ADN will start off as an ERC-20 token while the mainnet is under development.

The ADN mainnet is specifically designed to protect ICO participants from fraud, scams, and other harmful activities commonly associated with ICOs. We are the first to implement an ICO Wallet, in which funds cannot be accessed by ICO-holding companies except those approved by the participants.

The ADN Mainnet will be an integral aspect of valuing ADN’s real-world implementation. It is proof that the project is achieving staggering technical progress. This may or may not affect the price movement in the crypto-market; either in a short-term period or in the long run.

The Team

The company is led by finance and cryptocurrency experts Ron Lim and Jon Ban. The ADN team also includes some well-known figures in the blockchain industry like DeepDive Technology and iRangers CEO Misha Hanin working as ADN Chief Technology Officer and Tad Einstein, a descendant of the renowned scientist Albert Einstein, working as Vice Chief Information Security Officer.

ADN has teams collaborating across different parts of the globe. As a result, we are getting listed on different cryptocurrency exchange platforms such as BitForex, CoinBene, Dobi Exchange, p2pb2b, TopBTC, Bitker, with more in the future.

In summary

To wrap things up, ADN is a blockchain-based platform designed to protect initial coin offering investments. ADN will be the first to have a built-in investor-oriented mechanism programmed to protect the interests of the investors when they invest in ICOS based on the ADN blockchain.

ADN offers a secure environment to investors by ensuring a fraud-and-scam proof network. With ADN’s Payment Processing System, we can make faster and more affordable financial transactions. Furthermore, we are working closely with non-profit organizations around the globe to deliver innovative, economic, and socially-relevant solutions. We are excited about the future — blockchain is the future of technology and has the potential to be the next big thing since the internet.

Drop a comment or question if you have any down below. Check out our ADN website, and read ADN whitepaper as well.

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ADN Coin Official

ADN is a powerful ICO security platform ⁠ — a pioneer within the FinTech industry that will integrate an investor-protection mechanism for ICO participants.