ADN Q&A: Interview Session With CEO Ron Lim

ADN Coin Official
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2019
Interview session with our CEO Ron Lim

ADN is providing a solution to improve the ICO landscape. In this blog, we listen to ADN CEO Ron Lim as he talks about cryptocurrency and the ADN solution.

We recently got the opportunity to talk with Ron Lim, the CEO of ADN. Ron has been very instrumental in the formation of the ADN team, as well as in the envisioning of our platform. We are grateful to Ron for giving us the time.

Q: We know you’re very busy, but thank you for granting our Q&A request.

A: It’s my pleasure. I’ve been going to many places in the past couple of months. I feel like I needed to have this conversation so that I may be able to sit for a couple of minutes and not book another airplane ticket. *chuckles*

Q:Prior to ADN, which industries were you involved in?

A: I was heavily invested in the finance sector. I worked at Singapore-based companies such as Singapore Pools and OCBC Bank. Then a couple of friends introduced me to Bitcoin and blockchain technology, wherein they asked for my advice for running their ICO. After that, I became interested in cryptocurrencies and ICOs.

Q: Why did you create ADN?

A: Along with the others, I have developed an interest in how ICOs are conducted. However, I also saw the loopholes in the current ICO system. Trust isn’t as required as in the centralized financial sector, but it comes with a heavy price. That is why we needed to have a curating body composed of developers and finance experts to make sure that the ICOs we will be opening to the investors.

Q: How will ADN improve ICO?

A: Most of us have noticed a couple of loopholes in ICOs that others are exploiting for their own benefit. But I personally believe that ADN will provide a way to fill in those gaps.

When we curate proposed ICO projects, I would consult with my developers regarding the operating costs and the time that each development needs to have. I personally believe this is an important step because not all investors make their own thorough researches before they entrust their money to the project. Basically our task is to make sure that only the legitimate ICOs will be offered to the investors, potentially eliminating the risk of scams. Then we will sit back and let the community decide on how far the ICO will go. When an ICO fails to deliver according to promise, only then will we evaluate it and provide suggestions to the ICO project developers.

Q: What roles do you perform with Co-CEO Jon Ban during your work with ADN?

A: We did mostly the team-building and the partnerships. My team is composed of blockchain and app developers, and many of them prefer to face the computer screen instead of another human being. I also reach out to crypto exchanges and talk to them for potential ADN Coin listings. Tapping my prior experience in finance, I make sure that we can sustain our operations and the ADN project itself. Also, some of our developers are working remotely. Jon and I would travel to meet them and get updated with their developments first-hand. We also take the opportunity to plan ahead.

Q: Can you tell us about the ICO Wallet?

A: It’s a blockchain-based app that is made exclusively for ADN. It is where ICO investors vote whether they approve for the next stage to continue, or if they believe the developments in the current stage are only half-baked and therefore need further improvements. It will also display the investment that each participant has for each ICO he invests in real-time. We are also working on an interface wherein upcoming and live ICOs will be displayed so that they may also choose which to invest in.

Q: Do you have any definite date for the mainnet launching?

A: As of now, I really can’t say. I’m not an expert in blockchain development. But from what my developers have told me, it would take us months to roughly a year before we launch it. This is a delicate matter, and we cannot be too careful with this.

Q: Any additional sentiments you would like to share with us?

A: Blockchain technology is an interesting and helpful concept. In the finance sector alone, I have noticed potential use cases for it. I would feel very rewarded when the time comes that ICOs become more secure due to ADN. For now, I am very grateful for the trust and confidence not only of ADN Coin users but also of my team of blockchain developers. I know they have to trust the ones leading the project as much as they trust the project itself, so this means a lot to me. I also thank all of the exchanges that have listed our cryptocurrency. We are having talks with other crypto exchanges as well to add more options for crypto users to access our ADN Coin.


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ADN Coin Official

ADN is a powerful ICO security platform ⁠ — a pioneer within the FinTech industry that will integrate an investor-protection mechanism for ICO participants.