ADN Solution Explainer — The Evolution of ICO

ADN Coin Official
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2019
ADN — The Evolution of ICO

ICO evolution has been noted across the years that it has been practiced. Learn more about ADN contributes to its advancement.

In a span of 10 years, the crypto sphere has changed so much that it would be very difficult to track all of the innovations that have come with it. This is partly due to the concept of smart contracts, which have made possible the practice of initial coin offerings (ICOs). Despite the negative connotation that ICO has garnered, we believe it is still a practice that we should appreciate and innovate.

We at ADN are creating a revolutionary platform where ICOs can be conducted safely, and risks of activities notorious with the crowdfunding structure will be minimized, if not eliminated.

In this blog, we will be expounding on how each ICO will be held on our platform. Read more to know about how we will be screening each ICO project before we approve it, as well as to how our ICO Wallet functions in full detail.

Background Checks

Programmers that wish to hold an ICO on ADN may program a smart contract. We will review the contract to check the nature of the token, the purpose of the ICO, and the background of the people running it. Specifically, we will be requiring them to submit this following information:

● Token name

● Use case and purpose

● Roadmap plan

● Proposed starting date

● Proposed ending date

● Token sale hard capitalization

● Token sale soft capitalization

● Presale start date

● Presale end date

● Token symbol

● Token type

● Token distribution

● Initial token price

● Participation restrictions

● Accepted modes of payment

Additionally, we will require them to submit their whitepaper to us so that we will be able to fully comprehend their project. We have designated a team who will do so specifically.

We believe these precautions are just necessary for us to ensure the authenticity and quality of each project. This practice is also being done by cryptocurrency exchanges before proceeding with an initial exchange offering (IEO).

ICO Wallet in Full Detail

Our ICO Wallet is a revolutionary concept that our team has conceived out of the pressing need for the practice of ICO to evolve. For the sake of new ADN members, we will be expounding on the topic to help them comprehend how it will work when it comes.

The ADN ICO Wallet will appear in the form of an app, which can be downloaded on various mobile devices. In a sense, this functions as a cryptocurrency wallet which will primarily store ADN Coin. However, our team will provide an interface for users to view various features. These include the list of ICOs that are currently being conducted, the amount of balance that each user has on his ICO Wallet app, and the voting system. This feature is available for users who have invested in a particular ICO.

As explained in one of our blogs, we will be dividing each ICO into stages. This serves two purposes: it helps the ICO developers to turn their project into bite-sized stages to not overwhelm them with their tasks; and, it will ensure investors that their investments will be kept safe until they decide to unlock the funds that are reserved for the next stage. In this way, we can ensure the quality of the ICOs and protect the interests of crypto investors, thereby cultivating trust in our trademark crowdfunding method.

Let us take for example a hypothetical ICO with the name ABCD. This token was programmed by its proponents, through a smart contract, to have ten (10) stages. The first stage has already concluded and the ICO is now heading to the second stage. In this case, ADN users who have already invested in the ICO may begin to vote. They will be prompted by the ICO Wallet app on their mobile devices to vote on whether to approve of the next stage or not. Additionally, the “VOTE” button will turn green to signify that they may now be able to cast their votes.

As for those who have not yet invested in the ABCD ICO, they may view the stages in full detail, and, if they wish, purchase the ABCD token through the ICO Wallet app.

Toward the end of each stage, an ICO project will need to have the approval of a majority of the investors for it to proceed with the next stage. Failure to do so may result in ICO shutdown. But before we let it happen, we will give the project up to 3 chances to convince the investors through revotes. Also, we will review each ICO project that fails to garner the needed votes for it to continue. We will evaluate its quality and progress, and compare it with the difficulty of its target goals. If we believe that it needs to have drastic modifications, we will contact the ICO programmers immediately and hope to resolve the issue. Otherwise, the ICO will have to shut down and the remaining funds will be returned to the investors.

We are currently developing our mainnet together with the ICO Wallet. We will disclose further updates regarding our progress once we are done with some crucial developments.

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ADN Coin Official

ADN is a powerful ICO security platform ⁠ — a pioneer within the FinTech industry that will integrate an investor-protection mechanism for ICO participants.