The Kids Content Craze is Blowing in China

The rapidly growing industry in China and content creators who have jumped quickly on the train.

Jaeyoon Ko
4 min readApr 20, 2023


Ever heard of the term ‘Eight Pocket’?

It means that when a family has a child, 8 family members need to open their wallets for that one child.

This is due to the fact that we have an extremely low birth rate here in South Korea.

Recently, even the word ‘Ten Pocket’ is circulating, which includes friends who are not married nor have children on top of the existing eight.

Interestingly, however, the kids industry is experiencing explosive growth even as the birth rate is going down, which is a truly paradoxical situation to say the least.

China, a country with 1.5 billion people, is also facing a similar situation.

The Chinese government announced that China’s population had declined for the first time in 61 years back in January 2022. It’s only reduced by 0.06% compared to 2021, but quite a significant change has happened to the family structure. The number of single-person households and single-child families is increasing. Chinese parents are also boldly opening their wallets for their children.

Such a social atmosphere has also affected the content market.

More and more people want video content for their kids.

Let us introduce you to some of adoba’s hottest content creators, who are exactly fulfilling such needs at the moment.

JJAEMI is a mukbang creator who eats various desserts and jellies, the kinds that would get kids craving. He eats products sold on the market, but often makes giant jellies for himself and eats them with various sauces. He eats them with a combination that doesn’t seem to go well with one another, like sweet gummy bears with hot chicken sauce and wasabi, but that is the exact reason for his popularity among kids. Children feel vicarious satisfaction from eating sweets and even playing around with them by coming up with fun combinations.

JJAEMI is beloved by both Korean and Chinese fans. He has 1.42 million subscribers on YouTube, and in China, the total number of subscribers across all platforms exceeded 1 million only within the first 2 years.

300,000 people are tuning in for a jelly mukbang every day

These days, JJAEMI’s channel growth is very unusual. This year, JJAEMI recorded about 8 million monthly average channel views in the first quarter on bilibili, which is the Chinese equivalent of YouTube. That’s approximately 300,000 people watching JJAEMI’s content every day. And in the beginning of April, the number of monthly views exceeded 4 million. His channel could hit 10 million views by the end of the month at this rate.

Keep in mind that this number only comes from a single platform. The total number will be staggering if we add up data from all of JJAEMI’s Chinese platform channels such as Douyin, Xigua Video, Haokan Video, etc. His channel is still rapidly growing, despite having been active for 2 years already.

Chinese platforms are currently in a situation where the supply of content can not keep up with the demand of viewers. In particular, as the demand for kids content is rapidly increasing these days, talented kids creators like JJAMEI are becoming more and more popular.

Quickly jumping into the market

Another good news for adoba, ‘Hey Jini’, the TOP kids creator in south Korea came knocking on adoba’s doors for Chinese platform activities. Hey Jini already had celebrity status in China as in Korea. In terms of the number of subscribers, Hey Jini’s Chinese platforms have already surpassed YouTube for quite some time. They operate various Chinese platforms like Xigua Video, IQiYi, and Douyin, and has a total of 5 million subscribers. adoba reprocesses and optimizes Hey Jini’s content to suit the tastes of each platform’s viewers and upload them, while also communicating with the local fans.

As various success stories such as Hey Jini and JJAEMI are being created, more and more kids content creators and content production companies are showing their interests towards the Chinese market. adoba is also receiving countless related inquiries these days. We are, in fact, about to conclude a few major contracts very soon. Please keep your eyes on the Global Creator Ecosystem that we are creating through our Creator Cross-border service.



Jaeyoon Ko
Editor for

Communicating with global content creators, introducing and providing new opportunities