Why is Douyin (Chinese TikTok) the Most Loved Platform For Brands in China

Discover the secrets behind why Douyin stands out as the most advertising-friendly platform in China. Dive deeper into the similarities and differences between Douyin and TikTok.

Núria Crespi
4 min readJan 9, 2024


Recently, everyone’s been talking about Douyin and TikTok, two platforms that have taken the world by storm. While TikTok is widely known, Douyin might be new to some. Both are products of the Chinese company ByteDance and have been the talk of the town since 2020, gaining massive popularity and users globally. Let’s dig into why the Chinese market is crucial for these apps.

Douyin, born in 2016, started as a short video and streaming app for the Chinese audience, especially the younger generation. It quickly soared in China, reaching over 700 million daily users. In 2017, ByteDance expanded its reach globally with TikTok, which became the most downloaded app outside China, surpassing 600 million downloads by mid-2020.

Although Douyin and TikTok come from the same company, they operate separately. Douyin is exclusive to Chinese app stores, while TikTok is available worldwide. Now, let’s look at what these platforms have in common and where they differ.


  • Short Videos: Both Douyin and TikTok enable users to record and post short videos ranging from 15 to 60 seconds. The format, accompanied by background music or pre-recorded audio, has gained immense popularity among younger audiences.
  • Global User Base: Short video formats are successful worldwide, both Chinese and international audiences consume this format.
  • Virality and User Engagement: Both platforms promote the short video format to raise engagement. Challenges and trends contribute to the creation and sharing of content.


  • Live Streaming: In Douyin, live streaming is extensively used and has become a significant part of its content, especially for promotional and commercial purposes. Being able to adapt to live streaming trends has been crucial for the platform to stay competitive in the dynamic Chinese digital market. On the other hand, TikTok is still in the testing phase and has established strict rules to follow to be able to live stream.
  • Social Commerce: The Chinese platform has a strong focus on social commerce, integrating live streams for product promotion and planning to enhance in-app shopping functionality. The platform aims to create a closed ecosystem where users can engage with content, create their own, and shop directly within the app. TikTok is centered on entertainment content and does not allow in-app purchases. Users are directed to external platforms for product purchases but still work for brand awareness via sponsored content.
  • Monetization: ByteDance’s plans with Douyin is to remove external links and focus all the e-commerce within the Chinese app. On the other hand, TikTok doesn’t allows in-app purchases but only sponsored content.

So, what’s the future of those platforms?
Looking ahead, it becomes evident that Douyin stands as a more advanced version of TikTok, showcasing superior features and innovative monetization techniques. Douyin is progressively embracing the social commerce model.

However, this doesn’t necessarily suggest that TikTok is exempt from a similar evolution. In fact, there’s a reasonable assumption that ByteDance, the parent company, intends to apply the successful strategies pioneered by Douyin to its international counterpart, TikTok. The indication of this desire is reflected in the growing trend of product sponsorship. Is this a sign that the audience market is changing?

With so many exciting opportunities in China, creators and influencers from all over the world are keeping a close eye on it. Douyin’s collaboration with major marketplaces in China makes it easy for creators to gain popularity and boost sales. The platform’s live streaming feature allows influencers not only to showcase products but also to sell them online.

The platform is well-known for its entertaining content, especially in areas like cosmetics, fashion, luxury goods, and food. Creators on Douyin use various ways to work together, such as making short videos and doing live streams, giving them flexible ways to connect with their audience. A vast number of creators from around the world are interested in the Chinese market for a few important reasons. It’s not just about making more content; it’s also about reaching a larger audience. When they expand to the Chinese market, they become more visible. This increased visibility attracts the attention of brands looking for partnerships and sponsorship opportunities.

Entering the Chinese market isn’t easy for global creators, but there are solutions. adobaro and its Creator Content Cross-border SaaS platform facilitate active operations on various Chinese platforms, providing a breakthrough service. For more details, check their services here.

