Why you must have subtitles in your YouTube videos

Jaeyoon Ko
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Subtitles on YouTube videos have become a must for content creators over the past few years. Many often underestimate the essence of subtitles and do not realize how they can improve the experience for millions of viewers.

Subtitles can naturally improve the viewing experience for people who are not native speakers of the language used in the video. Only around 6% of the world population are native English speakers, and 75% do not speak English at all.

Attracting the global audience to your channel is vital as ever, as it is no secret that branching out to other global markets is a decisive aspect of channel growth.

Just by having subtitles, your content becomes viewable and enjoyable to those who may struggle to understand some of the terms and nuances used in the audio.

Furthermore, subtitles can make your content more searchable on YouTube since they are indexed by search engines. This means that content with subtitles has higher chances to show up in search results, increasing visibility and potentially leading to even more views and subscribers.

Finally, having subtitles can also create new opportunities for content monetization. YouTube enables creators to monetize their videos through advertisements, and having subtitles can subsequently increase the number of advertisements that can be placed on your videos. This, in turn, can lead to greater ad revenue for your channel. In summary, subtitles are a crucial aspect of YouTube content creation that can greatly improve the viewer’s experience. By enhancing accessibility, improving clarity, increasing engagement and retention rates, and providing new opportunities for monetization, incorporating subtitles into your videos can be a wise investment that pays off in various ways.

But let’s face it.

As crucial as it is, it is far from easy to have high-quality subtitles.

Unless you are a native speaker of the language of the subtitles yourself, it’s near impossible to provide subtitles that accurately capture the context and nuance.

It’s a given fact that YouTube’s auto-generated subtitles are not very reliable in terms of accuracy just yet.

So as a content creator, how do you reach out to the global audience with accurate subtitles?

Well, we might just happen to have the perfect solution to your problem.

adoba — GloZ MOU ceremony

We have joined forces with a global localization company GloZ to develop an automatic Chinese subtitle generation service. GloZ specializes in content translation, providing AI-based translation services to major domestic and international content companies.

We will be installing an AI-based automatic translation service developed and operated by GloZ in ‘adobaro’, our very own solution to support creators entering chinese platforms.

Whenever a user uploads a video, Chinese subtitles will automatically be generated. The basic service will be free of charge, and high-quality translation services are provided if you are willing to pay for the premium version.

Why China?

China is the only country where people can’t access YouTube, but it is a market full of opportunities at the same time for content creators.

Instead of having YouTube, there are more than 100 local platforms in China, with each platform having at least 200 million active users. The platforms have been implementing favorable policies for creators, to compete with other platforms in good faith.

By entering China, content creators can implement an OSMU(One Source Multi Use) strategy to enhance content utilization, to generate extra revenue and multiple business opportunities.

Through adoba’s solution ‘adobaro’ equipped with the new AI-based automatic subtitle generation service, content creators will easily be able to branch out to new platforms with content that are enjoyable for the local viewers.



Jaeyoon Ko
Editor for

Communicating with global content creators, introducing and providing new opportunities