Your ticket to 1 billion followers

Jaeyoon Ko
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2023

1. What is adoba?

adoba, which is an abbreviation for ‘admire one’s brave adventure’, is a Creator Content Platform specializing in China. Our business is to help global creators enter and be active in Chinese platforms. We are providing channel opening and profit settlement service so that all creators can have opportunities to enter China. We exclusively distribute many creators’ content to the China market by utilizing various local networks and a specialized operation system. Currently, we are an official partner of 12 major Chinese platforms and also have two offices.(one in Seoul, Korea and the other in Chengdu, China)

2. Why and how is adoba operated?

adoba was founded on October 2018 under the mission of providing opportunities to enter the Chinese market. We help others understand the potential of the Chinese market and suggest the methodology of entering.

We have opened over 1,000 channels with 328 global creators across 12 platforms until now. We strive to provide all creators with opportunities to succeed in Chinese platforms.

3. About China

China is the only country where people can’t access YouTube.

Instead, there are more than 100 local platforms in China, and each platform has at least 200 million users. These platforms have been competing in good faith, implementing favorable policies for creators.

4. What advantages do Chinese platforms have?

a) Additional profit can be generated by utilizing content already uploaded on your own YouTube channel.

b) We are an official partner of 12 platforms, so there is a good chance of succeeding in several platforms.

c) There are various business opportunities like PPL, branded content, etc.

5. Which platforms can you enter with adoba?

a) Middle platforms similar to YouTube

b) Short platforms similar to TikTok

c) SNS platforms similar to Facebook and Instagram

6. How can profit be generated in Chinese platforms?

Chinese platforms are not much different from global ones.

In case of middle platforms, profit is generated based on CPM (Cost Per Mille). There are other sources of profit such as fan donations and platform tokens as well.

Numerous business opportunities are given under the circumstance that the creator continues uploading content steadily.

7. Contact us!

Feel free to contact us by email ( if you have any further questions.



Jaeyoon Ko
Editor for

Communicating with global content creators, introducing and providing new opportunities